Marinette stood on the beach in Nice. She had a surf board with her whole wearing a wet suit. Todya was a surfing competition that would decide her career in surfing. She had always loved to do it and now she could become a professional at it. Not many new she was surfer which she used to her complete advantage. It may be winter at the moment but that didn't stop people from surfing here in Nice. "Mari, I know you can do it and good luck." Rose said with a smile as she and Juelika sat on a towel to support Marinette. Marinette shot then a smile. They were the only ones to stay with her and she was happy with it being them. They were supportive and listened to hear to what she had to say. But they always help steer her in the right direction.
"Thanks Rose and Jules for supporting me. It means a lot." Marinette said with a smile before she went out on the water to surf. Little did Marinette know was that the batfamily was watching her while Damian aka Robin joined the competition. Under a different name and his appearance was slightly altered. As Marinette was sitting in the water waiting for a wave a guy came over.
"Hi! My name is Dominic Watt what's your name?" Damian asked with a fake smile. But it was hard to tell it was fake along with the chirpy tone he was using. Marinette glanced at home with a frown.
"Atlanta Seastar." Marinette said her name for surfing. She didn't want people back home it's her. That was also why she had a mask on.
"That's a pretty name. Are you from around here?" Damian asked trying to keep the conversation going.
"Yes and no. Sorry Mr. Watt but I need to go." Marinette said before she swam off and caught a monster wave. Damian and his family watched in awe at her ability to command her board. This caused Damian to tink back on why their doing this in the first place.
Flash back
King shark had sent the batfamily a message. That involved innocent lives. And it also alerted them to the crisis in Paris. "Batman and all of your birds. I will attack all surfers from being able to surf if you don't fullfil my wishes. You have three days." The wishes King Shark were in an envelope which the video came with by hardrive. After searching tirelessly they found only one place holding a surfing competition. From there they looked for anyone that would be targeted most.
Flashback over
Damian scanned the waters as Marinette finishes up her surf on the monster wave. He paddles over when she is resting on her board. "That was amazing Atlanta!" Damian said when Marinette looked at him with a smile.
"Thanks Dominic." Was Marinette said when all of a sudden a shark attacked her. Marinette screamed in pain as Damian quickly hit the alert button and pulled his swimming shirt off. Stopping the blood the best he could from where the shark attacked Marinette.
"Atlanta I need you to hold on to my feet or my board." Damian said watching as Marinette nodded and grabbed his ankle. Marinette vision kept going in and out as Damian paddled them to shore.
"Some New Year's Eve." Marinette whispered weakly. As everything became bluey even though she stayed awake she couldn't see a thing. All she heard was voiced and all she could process was the pain. Then darkness over took her. Once Damian swarm to shore he picked Marinette up and ran her to the ambulance that had arrived there they took Marinette all the way to the hospital while keeping her alive. When Damian got there was she asleep with an IV pale and sickly but alive. The shark had bitten her arm off between her shoulder and elbow. Looking at it Damian felt pity knowing that it would be nearly if not impossible to ever surf again. Just the. Marinette woke up and looked at him with Rose and Julika behind him.
"Well looks like my New Year's started on New Year's Eve." Marinette said with a grimace. "Thanks for your help Dominic." Marinette said as she looks at the ceiling.
"I'm just glad I was there." Damian said as he stood by the window letting Rose and Juelika in. But he then whispered. "And don't worry about anything Atlanta me and my family are here to help."
Okay here are the last ones and I would like to say this one shot story is now over a year old I am super proud about that and I hope you all have enjoyed it. I want to thank you all for your support and I will continue to write one shots and if there are any requests I would love to hear them and try to make them.