Chill day 7

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Third POV

The is year 2018. In Paris, France a school was joking about a story. One that they have been warned not to joke about. But they didn't listen thinking that it was a superstition and not real.

"Oh no I told and said the story save me!" One girl shouted. Everyone laughed at her joke. But they wouldn't  say the story name or tell the story. It was all fun and games. Except for one class which on first glances looked promising. But when closer you could see that they were only friends with people who had great connections.

"Please I bet that story isn't even scary." A boy names Kim muttered to his class. They agreed and left the rest of the school to joke around. They went to their class.

"Let's actually tell the story. And no impunity person. We tell it ourselves." Kim continued. Max the smartest of the bunch looked hesitant but before he could voice his worries everyone agreed and they started to tell the story. They had heard it before by a impunity person so they knew it. But we're told to only let an impunity person to tell it. Because they were the only worthy ones that could.



Not story

Long ago, so long ago no one knew what year it was. There was a kingdom. They had their kingdom right next to the forest of cursed souls.

This sent a chill down everyone's back. Some excitement to continue the story others for worry with what will come next.

The kingdom for years been prosperous. All were happy through the lands. But there was one girl who was happy but also scared. You see she was a talented and intelligent person. She knew how to make remedies and was secretly a secessful designer.

But people saw her remedies as witch craft. The thing is that they always helped people. And never harmed them. When they would spy on her they watched as crooked people went to her cottage which because of her reputation was next to the forest with the cursed souls.

She turned and threatened each and every crooked person that came to her. Sometimes they tried to scare her into doing as they say but she refused to listen. She was known as the angel of the kingdom.

The class smiled at that. But little did they know the curse that they were warned about when told it by a impunity person was slowly starting to take affect. The chill they felt earlier were slowly starting to grow.

But not one them but in the room. If they had a heat seeking device they would see two forms forming. But they didn't so they went on not knowing.

Then one day the king fell gravely ill. The princes started to take responsibility for the kingdom and looked for something to help their father. Prince Richard ran the mijority of the kingdom, Prince Jason help control all the knights and their helpers. Prince Tim worked on finding a remedy for their father. And the youngest Prince Damian went off and rode around for hours. Helping the civilians of the kingdom and reassuring them.

But always with a cold mask. Which ended up with him getting the nickname ice prince. One day when he was riding with his brother prince Tim. He had finally found something that could help their father. So he had accompanied him. When they got there they were next to the cursed souls forest.

When they looked around they found someone's home. And they had to agree it was nothing like the palace or the nobles homes but it had its own beauty.

 And they had to agree it was nothing like the palace or the nobles homes but it had its own beauty

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They went to the door but before they could knock they were pulled to the side. When they looked they saw some of the villagers from the village near by.

"What are you doing your majesties? That home has a witch living there. If you get anything you pay a price that you will regret." One guy whispered. Prince Damian huffed before dragging him and his brother to the door. When they knocked a simple yet caring looking girl answered the door. She smiled at them. But they notice she was in a fighting stance.

As if ready to flee or fight in a second notice. Her eyes scanned them and the area around them.

"Your majasties what my I be of help to you?" She asked. Prince Tim stepped forward.

"King Bruce our father and your ruler has fallen gravely ill. And we need your help." She got a serious look and her demeanor changed.

"Come in. And what are his symptoms?" She asked in a no on sense tone.

"at the beginning of the malady, certain swellings, under the armpits…waxed to the bigness of a common apple, others to the size of an egg, some more and some less, and these the vulgar named plague-boils.

Blood and pus seeped out of these strange swellings, which were followed by a host of other unpleasant symptoms—fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, terrible aches and pains." She nodded grabbing all kinds of herbs and meats.

"He has the Black Plague. This mixture I am making should help him get better. He is close to death. The final stages are what you told me. Take these and ride as fast as you can. It will help give him the strength to fight the illness. Now go." She pushed the ointments and medicine she made into their hands. And pushed them out the door.

When they looked they saw a mob surrounding her house. A d a witch was there. Her name was Lila Rossi. She then loud enough for all to hear.

"I curse the one you love to never find love until your soul is free!" Then continued to trap her in the cursed souls forest. The princes didn't have anytime to help her since they were to far away. But did as she said. The king was back to full health not long after. And when he wanted to thanked and reward his savior who helped him. He found out the truth and banned Lila from the kingdom forever."

Everyone was quiet for away. The chill that was radiating off of them finished the form that started to form at the beginning of the story. When it finished Marinette from the story stood before them. She gasped scaring everyone. The chill in the air multipled.

In Gotham

Damian POV

I was looking at a file on the Bat computer when I felt a rush of emotions. I suddenly had the strong urge to go to Paris, France. So following the urge I went. I let the urge guide me. Which was against my better judgement. It led me to a school then to a class. And there I saw the most beautiful girl ever. She was dressed in medieval cloths. But it didn't take away her beauty.

"Prince Damian? Where are we and what happened after I was trapped in the forest?" I caught off guard by her questions. And the prince title. I looked and around and asked for a little insight. They told me the story and I understood. I did feel love towards her. So I took her home and explain things to father. He helped me get her up to speed with everything.

When she was caught up. She was introduced as my girlfriend. We had feelings for each but they grew over the months of helping her. They grew for both of us. And so we started to date. I helped her with all the new things in life. And she would tell me what it was like in her time. After dating for three years and two weeks we got married and I have never been happier. The chill still surrounded her when the story got told at some point but we would cuddle until it ended.

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