This is for when Marinette goes and get her things from Adrien. It's apart of Drama and Butterflies. This one is dark in some areas.
Marinette looked at the Mansion before her. Fear clawed through her and into her head. Every fiber in her being wanted to turn around and run. But she couldn't do that. All her belongs were in there and she needed them. Taking a deep breath she made her way to the door of Agresete Mansion. With a knock on the door Natalie opened the door and let Marinette inside. She was led to the room across from Adrien's. Not even doing a quick glance at the door she entered the room that she had been using as her own. Inside everything was clean and how she left it. Just then her phone rang.
Her room is the one image up top
"Hello?" Marinette said as soon as she answered it opening the suit cases she brought with her.
"Marinette, where are you?" Damian asked worriedly. Marinette sighed while she started to put things in the suitcases.
"Damian at Agreset Mansion getting my things. I told you I was doing it today." Marinette replied not noticing Adrien standing on the doorway.
"Alright, but if that slimy-" Damian was cut off by Marinette.
"I know you'll make him disappear. Come Damian I have precautions all set up if I get into any danger. And they will alert you along with your family then the police if anything happens." Marinette told Damian in a calm manner. Damian huffed in frustration.
"Alright fine but say the word and I'll be there in a heart beat." Damian said knowing there wasn't anything he could do. Marinette smiled at this still taking no notice of Adrien or how his eyes darken at the mention of Damian.
"Okay, I'll see you soon promise. Love you " Marinette said before hanging up the phone. She set her phone down on the chair as she knelt down and zipped the first suitcase closed. Adrien silently enters the room then closes the door. He locks it as well drawing Marinette attention from the clicking noise. "A..a..adrien." Marinette says her voice trembling with fear. Looking around she couldn't find a way out and before she knew it Adrien had her pinned.
With Damian
Sighing Damian as he pocketed his phone then went to the cave knowing Marinette made so their alter egos would be altered. There he found she had put a tracking device and a recording device in one of the suitcases she brought with her. He opened the tracking device and found that she was at the Mansion and she was in the room across from her ex boyfriend who was abusive. This set Damian on edge not liking her being that close. Then going to the big that would record everything he opened it and sped through their conversation.
Damian listened as she zipped a suitcase closed. But frown when he heard a door close and a lock clicked. But he saw red with what he heard next. "A...a...adrien." along with a struggle. He ran to the zeta tube not even realizing he had slammed his fist down on the screen of the batcomputer causing the rest of whatever was being recorded to stop playing. All he wanted to do at that very moment was hurt the blond model more than he had ever wanted to hurt someone before.
When he got to the Mansion that Marinette was at along with the thing he wanted to destroy Natalie refused to let him in. She refused even with all of the threats he yelled at her. She finally let him in after telling her who his father was. Just as he entered Marinette had two suitcases full of all her things with tears streaming down her eyes. Before she wore a emerald green crop top with black jeans and silver belt. But now she had an oversized hoodie with Robin's logo on it the hood up with the belt and skinny jeans.
She didn't stop for Natalie, Gabriel or Damian. Adrien was no where to be found. But at that moment Marinette was Damian priority. He rushed after her. She ran all the way to the zeta tube but didn't go through. She stopped and hid behind a trash can that hid her well. Where she collapsed and sobbed. Damian found her and hugged her tightly. She fought at first but soon gave up after she figures out who it was and from exhaustion. She clinged to Damian shirt as she sobbed. Nothing was said but it was more than enough for Damian. He didn't need the recording from the bug and he vowed to end the blond model.
In the cave
Tim came to the cave to work on a case when he discovered the broken screen to the batcomputer. Tim alerted the entire family. Who was there in a matter of seconds. By then Tim had hooked up his laptop to the batcomputer database. Once hooked up he brought up the camera footage and the last thing that was on the screen of the batcomputer. There the Wayne's heard what Damian did. And they knew that Damian Wayne was out for blood. They quickly went to Paris where they found the new couple.
Damian was hugging a sobbing Marinette who they couldn't see her face. But they could tell that the residents of the Agreset Mansion had danger coming and there was no stopping it.
The next day at Wayne Manor
Marinette woke up in pain. But down low hurt the most. She hurt all over and she felt powerless. So powerless that she went and tries to wash the feeling away in the shower. But when she came out she felt the same. She has memories of going to the police station and hospital yesterday day. But only two thing that was clear was. One Adrien has signed his death certificate with what he did to her. And two she didn't care at all but she didn't want anyone going to prison for avenging her.
Getting dress she made her way to the dining room. There she found the Wayne's and Alfred but they had stopped talking the moment she entered. They looked at her and she could see the could fury in their eyes.
Damian looked at Marinette and felt his rage increase. She use to wear clothes that were colorful and showed her personality but what she was wearing now doesn't.
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"I know you all are planning to get back at Adrien. I have no problem with it but make sure it's legal. Like how Damian threatened Adrien if he did anything to my belongs or ruined my name." Marinette said before she sat down and began to eat.
The Wayne's sued Adrien and Marinette classmates. They all lost their cases. The class ended up having to pay $300,000 to Marinette each as repayment for all they had down. Lila got life in a psychic ward and Adrien was sentence to life in prison. And Gabriel had to pay Marinette five million dollars for compensation for what his son had done. He ended up having to sell his company. Bruce bought it and gave it to Marinette but renamed it before he did. The new name was Angelic.
Over the next few months Marinette recovered with the help of Damian. Though the butterflies. Always appeared in her stomach. The same happened for Damian and on New Year's Marinette kissed him.