Plagg wants to forget

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"Guardian!" Marinette heard a kwami shout as they enter her room. Groaning she started to get out of bed but was pulling back. She huffed with a smile as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Dami I need to get up this could be important. It may help me figure out who Hawkmoth is." Marinette said with a slight pout in her voice. The man besides her whined not wanting to move. But he has his arm around Marinette waist and his face buried in her thick midnight locks.

"Can't it wait until it's a decent time to be doing stuff like that?" He mumbled pulling Marinette closer to him. Giggling Marinette turned her head so she could see him.

"Your such a hypocrite right now Dami. You and your family of at night dressed up to fight crime. All I'm doing is seeing what one kwami of many wants." Marinette said in a whispered as she stared at her boyfriend Damian Wayne emerald jade eyes. They seemed to glow at night entrancing her, but little did she know the same thing was happening to Damian.

He stared at her bright Bluebell eyes that seemed to emit a soft glow around them. And to Damian they added that much more to her beauty. Finally relenting albeit grudgingly Damian Let Marinette to get and see what the kwami wanted. But being the protective boyfriend he is he also got up and followed Marinette.

Marinette turned the light on and looked at the kwami who had called for her. But when she what kwami it was she gasped. There floating before her was nooroo and duusu. Both holding their miraculous's looking at her happily but also tired. Then another kwami came in but it was Plagg confusing her even more. But unlike the other two he look disgusted and shocked.

"How did you two get free from holders Nooroo and Duusu? And why aren't you with you holder Plagg?" Marinette asked trying to find out how this happening. Damian laid his hands on her shoulders behind her softly also trying to figure it out.

"Master let me and Duusu go after he heard what his son said." Nooroo answered for him and Duusu both shuddering when looking back on it. Plagg gave them understanding looks before he flew closer to the couple but focused on Marinette.

"My holder after a lot of convincing renounced me. The main reason I did this was because of what he said and was planning to do." Said to Marinette before explaining the events that took place that caused the miraculous war to end.


Adrien was looking at the Ladyblog with determination in his bright green eyes. Just then his phone lit up causing him to break the intense stare off he was having with Ladybug on the Ladyblog. When he picked up his phone and looked at it he saw Nino had texted something to him. Opening it he smiled at what he saw.

"Mari is looking gorgeous like always

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"Mari is looking gorgeous like always."  Adrien whispered out loud. He then looked at Ladybug then back at Marinette. Shock shined in his eyes. This seemed to catch Plaggs attention since he dropped his beloved cheese and flew so he was right in front of Adrien's face.

"What's got you looking like a blowfish kid?" Plagg asked in his normal bored tone.

"How couldn't I see it before Plagg? Marinette our everyday Ladybug disappears every time there's an Akuma attack, has never gotten Akumatized and to top it all off she always has a bag with her. This could only mean one thing." Adrien looked outside his window determined. Plagg on the other hand looked scared and nervous.

"Um kid what do you mean?" Plagg asked hoping with all of his luck that he wouldn't figure out pigtails identity.

"Marinette is Hawkmoth. It would explain why our class gets Akumatized so much. And didn't Mr. Pigeon appear the day she made the feather durby hat?" Adrien looked at Plagg who was looking shocked. Adrien then looked out his window again. "But how could it be Marinette? She's so sweet and kind, so much so that she could be Ladybug twin sister. But I know on what I have to do to stop her. I need to seduce Hawkmoth." Adrien finished looking sure of himself. While on the other side of his cracked door stood frozen was Gabriel who had only heard the last sentence his face pale.

Flashback over

"Eeeewwww!" Marinette squealed her nose wrinkled. Damian had a sneer showing his disgust. The three kwami's before them nodded in agreement. "Thank you for telling me Nooroo, Duusu and Plagg. I'll the take the jewels. While you three can go visit with the other kwami's." They nodded and flew off to the miracle box. Marinette but them away but then froze realizing something. She turned to Damian. "Dami, Adrien is gonna try to seduce me." Damian scoffed at this.

"I like to see him try beloved." Damian said before taking the both of them back to bed so they could get some more sleep since they were gonna have a busy day tomorrow.

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