She's My Daughter

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Part two to Your His Daughter!

Slade felt his hands clenched upon seeing his daughter like that. She seemed empty. He knew well enough to know that she wasn't really there. Her body and her abilities were there but not her mind or personality. Luckily this meant that they didn't know that she was his flesh and blood. But he knew that she wouldn't be here if something hadn't gone wrong in her personal life. After the meeting finished which was them discussing their plans for Warrior X he made his way to his motorcycle. He needed answers and he had a suspicion that a bird knew something that led to his daughter becoming a lethal puppet. He knew they would send her after their defect clone Superboy. He also knew with the experiments that they performed on her that he didn't even know her limits anymore.

With Damian

He stood in the shadows listening to his father drone on about a mission he and the young justice team would be doing. He would usually be with the teen titans but he owed a favor to Drake so here he was. "And finally as you search this abandoned base for information there has been whispers about the injustice league acquiring a new weapon so be on high alert." Batman finished before he walked out. Damian listened to the chatter of the group before they got onto the space ship Miss Martian owned. During the entire ride Damian remained quiet.

He thought back to how he broke up with Marinette. What she said had stuck with him. Then thought that he was son to the daughter of the demon head popped up again. He sighed realizing once and for all he had been a hypocrite about what he said. If his family had thought like that he would be at the league at this very moment. But they didn't giving him to grow into a better person and he did. Pulling his phone out he sent her a text hoping that she would agree to meet up in a few days. He needed to make things right with her. Putting his phone away he followed everyone seeing as they arrived to their destination.

The place they were investigating was abandoned. That much was obvious by the way trash, graffiti and broken objects littering the area. But the part that set the group on edge was all of the test tubes and other items that didn't fit in with the abandoned look. Superboy looked around him getting the feeling they weren't alone. Soon they found themselves standing in the middle of the place. Everyone was on edge. It was quiet, dark and deserted which never bode well for them. "I couldn't find anything." Bart said nervously. Damian walks out of the shadows noticing this.

"What do you know kid flash?" Damian demands from Bart. But just at the moment a person shots out of the shadows. Before they could react the person slams into Superboy sending him flying into the wall. Everyone looks at the attacked in shock.

"Who are you?" Beast Boy demands as he glares at Warrior X. Bart on the other hand stiffens as he stares at her in fear. Warrior X glares at them as she faces Superboy who standing up.

"Warrior X and that's all you'll ever know." Was all she said before she charges Superboy. He tensed as she goes to punch him. But he dodged at the last second. Her fist makes contact with the cement wall. Her fist makes a whole. Slowly turning around she glares at him. Everyone stares in shock for a moment. But then she pulls something out from a hidden pocket. The item turns out to be a staff. She spins it as she stares them down. Damian pulled his katana out and charged her. They fought relentlessly. Damian was impressed by her skill but he felt like he knew her.

"MISS MARTIAN! Levitate her!" Damian yelled as he blocked an attack from her. Warrior X gasped when she was lifted up into the air. Miss Martian, Beast Boy, Kid Flash and Superboy approached the two as they studied Warrior X. She growled as she glared at them throwing the staff at Superboy which Kid Flash caught.

"What's your mission?" Damian demanded as he glared at her. Warrior X glared at him as she went back to glaring at Superboy.

"I have been given the mission to depose of the defective clone." Warrior X said as she tried to get free.

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