"Hey Dick Damian birthday will be happening in a few days. What are you guys planning to do?" I asked leaning on the back of the couch.
"Well blueberry we are planning a superhero get together. Why?" I shrugged my shoulders thinking on what to get him. I smiled when I thought of something. I went and got dressed.
"Where are you going Angel?" Damian asked as I brushed my hair and applied little make up.
"I need to go and do a few things." He came over and hugged me. Which I of course leaned into. I inhaled his winter forest cologne. But pulled away after we were like that for a few minutes.
"I'll be back soon. And in that time period please don't kill or severally hurt someone while I am gone." He grumbled but agreed. I left and went on my errands. Which was going to a local bakery who let's me back there whenever I like. And I made the cake which I told Alfred and Dick about.
Then I went and got his present. Which will make him and Alfred the cat happy. I then went back to the Manor and hid everything. His gift was harder than the cake. But once I did I went and changed for the party.
"Psst!" I looked and saw Mar'i peeking her head in. I smiled and walked over to her.
"Aunty Nettie is today Uncle Damian birthday?" I nodded while looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
"What should I get him?" I giggled at that. Then proceeded to pick her up. And walked down the hall.
"You don't have to get him anything. But if you want I can help you make something for him." She hugged me tight saying thank you. And so after she calmed down we got to work.
Two hours later
I walked to Damian's room and opened the door to him playing tug a war with Titus. I smiled at the scene but then Titus noticed me. Which caused Damian to notice me. Damian let go of the toy and walked over. a blush evident on his cheeks when he noticed what I was wearing. I smirked at that.
"Like my newest outfit my knight?" Which only caused him to blush more. I softly laughed at him. Before taking his hand. "Happy Birthday Damian." I said before pecking him on his cheek.
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I then proceeded to lead him to the dining room where the surprise party was for him. When we got there everyone shouted surprise which caused him to throw a dagger out of reflex. It luckily hit Jon on not someone who wasn't indestructible. But it still wasn't good that he did that. Soon it was cake time then presents. So I went and helped Alfred bring the cake outfit. When everyone saw it they gasped. I smirked with Alfred. We sang him happy birthday. Then enjoyed some cake.
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When we finished everyone gave Damian a gift. When it came my turn I gave him a box. Everyone was confused until he opened it and two kitten's came out.
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Everyone awed and Damian let them roam around. He gave me a quick passionate kiss. Then Mar'i flew over with a grin. She handed him a CD which he went and played on a dvd player at her request. everyone watched and listened to the video me and her made. (Video at top)
But was the best part was when we went back to the dining room since we had to go to a different room to watch the video the kittens and Alfred the cat were licking Damian's Birthday cake. We all laughed and had a great time for the rest of his birthday with me and him snuggling on his well made bed. The kittens in our laps, Alfred the cat on Damian shoulders and Titus at our feet.