I will be making a part 2 to this one since there is much going on hopefully this first part good enjoy!
Marinette stood in an alley listening to a drug deal go down but then froze upon hearing gunshots. She turned and saw the Red Hood looming down over the thugs she was about to knockout. Silently grabbing her titanium yoyo and gripping her other weapon she studied the antihero closely. She took a small step forward when Robin jumped down besides him.
"Tt Red Hood you better have used the rubber and not real bullets or Batman is gonna have a fit." Robin said looking around at the thugs on the ground. Whether they were alive or not there was no way to check from glancing. Marinette froze before backing up a little. She didn't need her brother finding her. She had stayed hidden this long from him she wasn't going to blow it now.
"Why would you think that Robin?" Red Hood shot back as he looked around the alley. Marinette snuck further into the shadows and stood still. She couldn't let those blasted sensors in his helmet pick her up. If they did then danger would becoming not just for her but for the ones she loves. Red Hood stared at her letting her know he spotted her some how. "Who's in the name of bat is there?" He demanded bringing out his guns. Robin following suit with his katana.
Knowing she couldn't stay there she gripped her yoyo and threw it forward. Once it was tight she knew that she could get away. And get away she did. Much to her relief but to the two vigilantes frustration. She ran to the empty warehouse that she found in which it was completely abandoned. No villains goons or villains themselves have used it. And any thug and any other person that showed interest she scared off without hurting them. She slid down a wall tears in her eyes as she felt the missing pang that went through her heart each time she saw her baby brother in person.
"I miss you Dami." She whispered to herself pulling the wig she always wore when she went vigilanting. But she knew that there was no way she could go back to them. Not with the powers of the Miraculous and the energy the wish that if the cat and ladybug were combined held were in her. If she was captured then death and world domination would follow and she couldn't allow it. Thus the soul binding spell she did would ensure that.
When Damian and Jason got to the cave Damian and went and changed. Then went straight to his room. That women that got away from them brought back the memories of his older sister. He never told anyone about her since their mother told him not to and he didn't want them to waste away searching for her.
Since after the attack she had disappeared completely. The few times he had seen his mother she had no clue, lead or suspicion on where she could be. But this seemed to only motivate him more. He and his sister had a special connection even though the only way they could communicate with each other were secret letters. But that women who got away looked so much like his older sister that he couldn't get her image out of his head.
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Sighing while shaking his head Damian got ready for bed. He needed to stop distracted about silly things like this if he was to ever find her.