Damian walked along the path of the garden. He still felt off from the blast that Klarian hit him with. Which his brother didn't let go without teasing. He growled not liking that he was such an easy target. He stopped bending down to pet Titus. He smiled when the Great Dane nuzzles his face. No matter what Titus always brighten his almost always dark mood.
"I'm glad I have at least you Titus." He mumbled his face buried in Titus fur. He then got up and went to the batcave to meet with Doctor Fate to see what Klarian to him. When he got there he was the last one there and noticed to tense atmosphere. He looked at his father and Doctor Fate before breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"What did that heathen do to me Doctor Fate." Damian said addressing Doctor Fate and his father knowing that Doctor Fate told him something. His father sighed before looking at him expressionless.
"He put a spell on you. You will be going to a different dimension and when this happens we won't be able to bring you back without his help since he is the only one who knows the spell." Doctor Fate told him no emotion not showing in his eyes or voice. Damian nodded digesting the information. He then looked at his family and saw that they weren't avoiding his gaze or sending him pity looks. But confident looks before walking over to him not saying a word.
"Listen Demon Spawn you maybe going to a different dimension but give anyone who gives a hard time hell. Show them that you aren't someone to mess with." Todd said before handing Damian a bee bee gun with a container of bee bee's. Damian slipped them into his bag that he always carried with him.
"Make sure to always have a way to escape." Drake said giving him an extra bow staff he has. Damian put it in his pocket then turned to Grayson who has been waiting.
"Listen lil'D I want you to make sure not to anger anyone important in the dimension but also show them that you won't take orders from anyone. " Was all he said before handing him a picture with all of them there and Surprisingly not fighting or trying to kill each other. Then his father laid his hand on his shoulder guiding him into a secluded area. Damian turned to face him before his father said anything. Damian knew he could take care of himself even his father knew this. But the fact he was only fifteen still made his father worry about him.
"Listen Damian I know that you can take care of yourself. And I know you don't like it when I get mushy and soft about stuff but even Doctor Fate isn't sure if this will work. So just incase that we can't get you back I want to part with you some important wisdom my father gave to me before he died. Strength, skill and wit may win a fight. It may make you a strong advisory and ally but it will also make you a target. Remember to always feel and show that you care for loyalty is one of the most powerful tools one can have. For with loyalty you will have friends and allies for life." Bruce then pulled Damian into a tight hug soon turning into a group hug with everyone.
Damian then started to glow a soft golden color. Everyone held on tight but the light kept getting brighter soon the got bright that when it stopped Damian was gone and there was an empty space where he was. Everyone then started to work on finding Klarian in hopes of bringing him back.
Damian opened his eyes and looked around in shock. He looked down and saw he was in like medieval clothes but made out of plants. He then noticed that he was in a forest but one he doesn't recognize. Noticing he was on the road he hurried to the side and waited for someone to come who could help him. And soon enough someone did. It was a girl in a type of armour of some sort. Damian pulled the bow staff out and opened it and stepped out. The girl stopped her horse and looked at him with a calm but calculating look.
"Is there something I can do for you sir?" She asked completely calm but her hand was on her sword. Sending a subtle but firm message to not provoke her. He looked at her taking her in before replying.
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"I need some guidance about this world would you be willing to help me?" Damian said in the politest tone he could muster. The girl raised a single eyebrow while taking him in and seeing if he was a threat or not.
"You talk as if you aren't from Maple-Willow or any where in Central world where are you from?" She said with a lot of authority gripping her sword handle even tighter her eyes boring into him. Damian took a deep breath before answering.
"It's true that I am not from Central World for I am from Earth residing in Gotham city." Hearing this her horse rears up neighing. The girl grips the reins tightly trying to regain control.
"Woah girl your okay. Your okay." She said petting her gorse neck before getting off but holding onto the reins. She turned to look at Damian a glare slowly creeping its way onto her features. Reaching in her saddle bag while speaking to Damian.
"The place you speak of is a sworn enemy. For in the past they have attacked our home-world while we live peacefully. If you are truly from that place then I must take you into custody where the rulers of our worlds will decide your fate. If the universe has mercy on you then the lightest punishment will be incarceration the worst the power our king wields will be used upon you." She said going towards him hand cuffs in hand. Seeing this Damian swings the bow staff at her. But she dodges and pulls out her sword and runs forward glaring at him. While Damian cursed that he didn't have his katana with him since his father had taken them all away from him after he was hit by Klarian as a precaution so if he went on a rampage spree.