Time to myself

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After getting to her car, a nice ford fiesta. I didn't expect her to have a baby car seat, but she did.
I strapped Areum in, and went to sit beside Rosé.

"So how do you like it here?" She broke the ice, with a sweet smile on her face.
"Oh I haven't seen much, but I like the weather. Reminds me of holidays...the good times" I said slowly turning my head to look out the window.
She responded with a 'hm'

We were passing by tall buildings, all shapes and sizes. I sound like I've never been in a city. But this is completely different. Everyone seemed so happy.

Light in their eyes, tan skin and bright smiles on their faces.

After around 40 mins of driving , we were just a few mins away from our destination.

The scenery changed as we drove through the city.
Now we were passing by small houses, this felt more like home. It felt like everyone knew each other.

Out of nowhere a huge wave of emotions just hit me . What if this "getaway" won't help me? What if he already found someone else?

I quickly shook my head, im not here to think about him. Im here to do the exact opposite.Be happy, i sarcastically laughed to myself.

We finally came to a stop," alright Im going to get your bags, you get Areum , alright ?" Her sweet voice said. I quickly nodded and returned a smile.

After unbuckling my babygirl, we headed inside.

When I say this is probably the most beautiful house I've seen . She had a nice pastel colored decor. With small accents of gold. It's so beautiful.

"Oh thank you, I did it all myself " she said
"Oh did i say that outloud" I awkwardly laughed.
"Mhm" she bit her lip, trying to hold in her laugh.

"Alright alright, let me take you to your room" she effortlessly jogged up the stairs. Whilst I sounded like I just ran a marathon.

Im probably going to look into some diets.

She carefully opened the door, scared that she will wake Areum up, who was sleeping in my arms.

The room was a white, black and gold mix. With some fake plants and a big king size bed , with a beautiful pink crib.

I smiled in awe " you really didn't have to get me-" i looked down at Areum"us , anything "
" aw this was nothing, Tae and Jungkook wouldn't leave me alone till the room was fully decorated, so it wasn't just me putting in the effort" she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and I leaned in on her shoulder .
I whispered a low thank you, in return she squeezed my shoulder with her hand.

After unpacking, and putting Areum in her crib, I made my way downstairs. To find Rosé making small snack plate and pouring two glasses of red wine. " You drink , right?" she asked.
I nodded " yeah, not alot but I do. Do you need any help?" I offered " No no, you go and sit down, and find a movie for us to watch" she replied whilst cutting up some cheese.

After finally deciding on a movie, we cozied up on the sofa. A soft blanket over our legs.

Well hello, i know I haven't updated in ages. Im so so so so sorry. Life has been um interesting lets say that.
I can't promise regular updates. But I'll try maybe update once a week. I hope you guys don't mind.
Love you all xx

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