Empty crib

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After about an hour of firing shots of tequila. We sat down by the bar. Every few seconds it felt like the ground was moving.
I ordered a glass of water, as if that will help. Rosé was definitely holding up better than I was.

I let everything go. All my thoughts, feelings and emotions. Drinking is probably not the best way to forget about something but damn does the alcohol help.

I looked over at Rosé, and nodded towards the exit. She looked at me with a guilty look . She leaned in"hey um is it okay if I leave with this guy?"I was starting to get a headache from the loud music." I looked behind her and smiled at the man. He returned the smile back "you sure you will be okay? " i asked her , she nodded her head quickly "but will you be okay getting home by yourself? I can come wi-" she shouted over the music " Go and get someeee girl" I shouted back.

I quickly gave her a tight hug and waved as she walked away with the guy. I mean he seemed okay.

As I started walking towards the door, I looked back to make sure Rosé wasn't too drunk, trying to see if she wasn't swaying or if the guy was trying to do something.

But instead I met the eyes I never thought I would see so soon.

I don't think he recognized me. At first, but as soon as he stepped closer his face dropped. But so did mine. I didn't know what to do. I just froze.

This is a dream right? I definitely had too much to drink. I slightly shook my head but he didn't disappear after I opened my eyes.

My anxiety settling in my chest, my breathing getting faster, but before I could say or do anything I was pulled by my forearm through the tight crowd towards the exit.

"Stop, let me go" i tried to move out of his grip. I felt frustration radiating off of him. His grip getting tighter. " you're hurting me" i hissed out.

He finally let go and I realized we were already outside.

Silence. Absolute silence.

Cold wind whistling through the streets. My arms wrapping around my self.

I couldn't look at him. I started to walk away, the same frustration radiating off of me. But again I was yanked and pushed up against the cold brick wall. My arms at my sides and my hands balled up into fists.

"I said let me go. I don't want to see or hear you" I gritted out. His angry eyes racking over my body. I see his jaw clench. His right eyebrow slightly raising. His lips in a tight line. God he was breathtaking

No. No he was not. I tried to convince myself.
" Where the hell have you been?" Was the first thing he said. No hello or are you okay? This angered me even more. Or maybe the alcohol either way I was absolutely fuming.

" no no we are not doing this. You don't deserve an explanation." I tried to move out of his grip again, but he pushed me more into the wall. His face now closer.

"Listen. I-" he started out " I want to talk to you. Don't be a brat" he said lowly.

Who the hell does he think he is?
My body was literally starting to shake in anger.
I bursted out laughing. No not the happy or cute laugh. The angry and maybe slightly psychotic laugh.
" No you don't get to tell me what you want. Im done" I said through my gritted teeth.
I moved out of his hold. Walking towards the road to try and catch a cab.

Is this some sort of joke? There was literally no cabs. Did everyone suddenly die. What is going on? God you're really doing this to me? I groaned. And started walking up the street. To where? I have absolutely no clue.

I only know one thing, as far away as possible from him.
"Get in the car. I'll drop you home" he shouted after me.
"I know you can hear me. Come on" he shouted even louder. I could hear his footsteps behind me.
"You don't even know where you're going" this was his last try.

I stopped dead in my tracks , twisted my body towards him and stumped over to him. My heels echoing down the lightly foggy street.

I stopped in-front of him . "I would rather freeze to death than get in your car" I lowly said. He sighed with annoyance.

"Please just get in the car" his voice now softer" I just want you to get home safely" he pleaded.
"How do I know Im safe with you?" Now i was being stubborn. But he deserves it. I think.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, the frustration coming back. "You know what? Fine." He said and turned to walk away.

Okay I know for a fact I would be safe with him. My anxiety would definitely not let me walk in the dark by myself somewhere I don't even know.
"Fine. Wait up" I say defeated.

We finally reached his car. He opened the door for me and gently closed it behind me. Walking around his car and getting into the driver's side.

I did my seat belt and turned my body towards the window. "You look beautiful " he said breaking the awkward silence.
I let out a short 'mhm'.

He sighed again. He doesn't think I will just fall right back into his arms does he.

I told him the address, and that was the most conversation we had through out the whole ride home.

The car finally stopped. I undid my seatbelt. And quickly got out the car ,muttering a quick thank you.
I closed the car door. After a few steps I heard another car door closing.
"Can we please talk?" He tried again.
"I don't have time" I said as I fumbled with the keys.
Finally getting the key in, I was about to unlock the door , when it started opening by itself.

Why the hell is the door unlocked? Did Rosé come back home and forgot to lock the door? No, she's so responsible even when she's drunk.
And the boys should be here as well. They would've definitely locked the door.

I jumped slightly when I felt a warm presence behind me. "Let me go in first to check" he said carefully walking past me. I followed him.

I looked around the house for anyone.
There's a weird smell. What the fuck?

I moved towards the living room. My eyes widened in horror. Before I could say anything " OMG!" I shouted.
Namjoon was in the room before I could blink.

He was about to ask before he saw the three boys knocked out on the floor. And Areum's crib empty.

The crib was empty?

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