Never again

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~Namjoons POV~

It's been 4 days since I last heard her sweet voice. 4 days since I looked into those beautiful eyes. I don't know how to cope.


"Take care of our daughter" her voice raspy and losing energy.

"No no no, don't you close your eyes. You're not leaving me again"  I held her body in my hands.

The sounds of bullets were ringing all around me. At this point I just wanted to get my girls and get out of here. "Namjoon get the fuck out of here" Yoongi yelled whilst he was behind a tipped over table.

I looked around for Areum's buggy, where the fuck is she?

"Areum and the boys are in the car" he yelled again. I nodded my head. I lifted Y/n in my arms , blood soaking through her shirt. Fuck .It felt like her body was getting colder and colder with each second.

I opened the car door to make sure what Yoongi was saying was true. And it was Areum was safely laying in Jimin's arms. Tae and Jungkook on either side of them, surprisingly with guns in their hands.

As soon as I looked at inside the car I got two guns pointed right at my face. "Calm down , just me. I need the hospital asap" I whisper yelled through all the noise.

Jimin moved into the backseat, the car was quite big. A seven seater. I shouted at Jungkook to start driving. I cradled her body in my arms. I pressed my hand to the wound , I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I just know that I'm not losing her.

After 15 mins of driving, we finally reached the damn hospital.


"Im so sorry that this happened " a firm hand was placed on my shoulder. Yoongi actually surprised me, he came to keep me company.

"I miss her" my voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin, Jungkook and Tae were back at home with Areum. Yoongi gave us some security, at the house and here at the hospital.

"Anyone here for Park Y/n" I jumped up at the doctor's voice.

" You can finally see her, she's more responsive now" the doctor said with a genuine smile.


Her dry lips were slightly opened, a breathing mask on her pale face.

Her beautiful eyes were finally opened, she barely managed a smile.

"Hey baby...fuck I missed you" I said

"I wasn't gone that long was I?" She said with a hint of humour in her voice. I smiled. This is what I missed. Her sweet voice.

"You were out for 4 days, I think the doctor took longer just to be 100% safe" I said with slight annoyance in my voice. Im not complaining but I can't be away from her for this long even again.

"Well I'm okay now" she said. I walked towards the chair next to her bed. I took her warm hand in my palm.

"Im so sorry baby. Im so sorry my beautiful girl, I should've thought things through more carefully. I will never forgive myself for this. I can't live without you. I don't know how I would've coped without you" my voice started to crack. All the emotions rising back to the surface. My breathing quickened, trying to push back the tears.

"It's okay, everything happened how it was meant to happen. We're all safe right? Where's Areum?" She said with more worry in her voice at the end of her words.

"At home, safe with the boys. Yoongi also gave extra security." I moved my thumb slowly over her knuckles. She let out a breath.

"I love you my pretty girl" i leaned in to her forehead. Gently laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

~a/n ~

I have never imagined to have this many readers, I don't get many comments, which is okay:)
Thank you for reading, and adding my story to your reading lists. Means a lot.

This story has a few chapters left and maybe an epilogue and maybe bonus chapters. Comment if you would like that.

I hope you have a good day or night or morning , wherever you are xxx

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