Her? Again?

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I ran to the living room as fast as I can . And then I saw her. That woman that I saw that day .

His ex..... I was about to walk to Namjoon to see if he's ok but she said "I wouldn't do that if I were u" she points down to the floor and I see glass shattered everywhere. I froze I didn't know what to do . "Ashley what are you doing here?!" Namjoon growled at her , his teeth clenched .

She smiled at him " Oh just want to make sure that my baby is ok" she blew  him a kiss " Im not your baby! Leave my house now!" He raised his voice.

He looked so angry his hand was in a fist. I saw his chest moving really quickly. He was seriously mad. I was staring at the woman "What do you want from him? Why can't you leave him alone?!" I started to get angry as well. " Oh and who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?! Im Namjoon's girlfriend " she started to walk towards me. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER ASHLEY!!!! " he shouted but she just smirked and carried on walking to me.

She was right infront of my face " Leave his house now or watch what will happen to him" she whispered " Im not going anywhere!" I smirked back . " Wrong choice sweetie " she had a piece of glass in her hand which I didn't see .
She turned around and ran towards Namjoon . He didn't see anything coming . I screamed "Namjoon look out!!" But it was to late I saw blood dripping on the carpet. I couldn't think straight. My mind was just going " Police police " .

I quickly ran to the kitchen to get to the phone . I locked the door behind me . I heard her heels behind the door " I will hurt him more if you don't open the door!" She screamed her lungs out. "Hello police I have this random woman in my house trying to harm me and my friend .Please hurry" i hanged up .

I don't know what got into me but i walked to the door and slammed it open " Im out bitch" i said in a confident voice but I didn't see her when I felt one hand around my waist and a hand with glass beside my neck " Huh? Who are you calling a bitch?" She whispered as we slowly walked to the living room. Namjoon was in pain his neck was bleeding really bad .

But when he saw me and Ashley his face just went blank. "Leave her and take me ...please don't do anything to her...don't hurt her" he said while looking down " Now that's more like it " she smiled and pushed me to the side . She was about to grab him but we heard loud voices " Let that man go ! " i looked to the hallway to see three police men standing there with guns in their hands " No never !!! I love him !! He's mine!" She screamed whilst Namjoon pushed her forward right into the police men's arms . She was pushed to the wall . Her hands were handcuffed " she stared at me " You will not live happily! I will comeback " i looked at her but then looked down as I realized that she has pushed me into the glass and my leg is cut really badly
Namjoon runs to me . "Omg y/n .Show me your leg " he grabbed me and carried me to the bathroom. " its fine its just a cut , you need help your neck is cut" i said " Are you kidding me right now ? Im going to take care of you . You will always come first. " he looked at me with a worried face . I blushed at his words.

But Im nothing to him my mind repeated to me.

He was so gentle . He wrapped my leg with the band-ate. I looked at him and realized that his neck was still bleeding . I quickly got some medicine and some tissue to clean the blood . He hissed because of the pain. " Don't be a baby" I laughed at him . He pouted . He's so cute I swear .
As I got closer to check how deep the cut was I saw him staring at my lips . I looked at him " What ?" I asked in confusion " Thank you y/n " and he attached his lips to mine. I froze . I couldn't move .

He kissed me so sweetly and passionately. I didn't kiss him back I didn't know what to do . He pulled away as he felt that I wasn't kissing him back " oh-h I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you I was ju-" i cut him off with my lips now.
He was so surprised with what I just did. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer

To be continued.....

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