No words.

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~A/n~ heyyy everyone, so so sorry I haven't updated for a few months , I've just been busy . Again Im so sorry , I will try to be more consistent but im sorry if im not. Here's a little update xx

~Y/n's POV~
As the car sped off , my heart was racing. My breathing was uncontrollable . Hot tears rolled down my face. I felt like someone tied a rope around my chest and kept on tying it tighter and tighter .

I was so blank. I just stared out the window. When I felt a warm touch on my hand, it was Jungkook. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight "Im here, I love you so much sis" he said while giving me a quick glance .

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I think I can feel my heart breaking, I don't think I've ever cried this much over a man. 
I probably cried about food more than men.

It started to rain , oh the irony.

The rain drops slowly started to roll on the windows , it got harder and harder every second. I leaned to the side and just stared out the window. Some people hate the rain, but me personally, I love it. Not to go outside in it but enjoy it inside. The sound of it, thats what it is.

How could he do this? Does he not care about my child? Why is he still with me if he loves another woman? Why am I here when he's putting someone else above me ? Oh no not the daddy issues coming out. God I was so stupid.

I felt like my head was going to blow up, to many thoughts in my head.

~30 mins later~
We finally arrived at Tae's house . Tae was already waiting outside with a big umbrella. As he looked at me I gave him a faint smile.

We got out of the car , Jungkook quickly threw his jacket over Areum's car seat and speed walked inside. I was about to go to the trunk to get my bag but I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. "It's ok go inside, you need to rest " he said gently.I turned around and hugged him. At first he was quite startled but then he slowly wrapped his arms around my back and slowly rubbed my back.

I didn't even care about the rain. I was completely soaked .
Never mind I think I like being in the rain.

We pulled away from the hug, we didn't even say a word, we started heading inside. Their house literally smelt like cookies .
A soft giggle echoed throughout the quiet house, my baby girl. My sweet girl.

~A/n~ Here u go guys, I know its quite short but I hope u enjoy . Hopefully I update more often. Sorry again , love ya xx

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