We'll find out

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"Yn....Jungkook....what are you doing?"
We both jolt our heads around and i sneakily put Namjoon's phone on the bedside table and Jungkook just blurts out "oh we were just looking at some pictures of Areum that Y/n took" he takes the phone out of my hands and goes to my gallery to find some pics of Areum. Namjoon gets distracted pretty easily as he laughs and aw's at the sight of HIS daughter.

I dont know what to do or how to feel . Is he actually cheating on me.

"Me and Y/n are gonna go have a coffee and a nice calm walk, you go spend some time with your daughter " Jungkook commands. Namjoon just nods his head.

We put on our coats and shoes and headed out.
"I can't believe he's cheating on you....like is he stupid" Jungkook starts going off "Listen ...we don't know anything yet...i dont want to accuse him maybe she's just a good friend " I say trying to make up any excuse I can think off " Oh for goodness sake , a good friend?! With a ring and shush emoji.....he's hiding something and we have to find out before its too late"he says getting quieter

Some time passes. We finish our coffee and start to head home. A calm walk in the sunny but cold weather.I link Jungkook's arm and we walk off ,joking around and having a laugh.

~Namjoon's POV~
Im wondering....has she seen the texts. She can't. She can't find out. It would be to much for her right now. I need this whole thing to stay a secret. I don't want to over load Y/n.

I have to see Olivia some day soon. I need to see her.

~Y/n's POV~
As I put the key in the lock I open the door gently. We take our shoes off and walk in.
My toes were freezing cold. Me and Jungkook waddled in to the living room like penguins ,barely feeling our toes. "Let's have some hot cocoa " I say to Jungkook. "I'll go make some, you go and get me and you the fuzzy socks. Namjoon's face drops as he wasn't mentioned.

"What about me?" He says in a low tone. "Oh ok, 3 pairs of socks then Y/n" i look back at JK and smile with a wink.

I quickly grab the fuzzy socks and put them on. I slide into the living room tossing the socks to Jungkook and Namjoon who were both on the sofa already. Areum was in her bed drifting off to sleep.

We put on a movie. I was sitting in the middle of JK and Joonie. I leaned on Jungkook's shoulder . Namjoon noticed and coughed. I can't act weird I need to act normal.

So I move my head to his shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist. As I slowly snuggle in. Damn you feelings.

If that girl makes him happy , then he can go for all I care. I'm not going to let my girl go through what I experienced with my dad.

After the movie....empty cups of cocoa on the table. Im the only one who stayed till the end of the movie. I started cleaning up.

As I washed the cups I woke both of the boys up . "Kook you can go home, Tae has probably missed you sooo much. And thank you so much for taking care of me and Areum. I love you ok. Have a safe trip home, drive safe. " i say as I give him a tight hug and lead him to the door.

I wave a final goodbye to Jungkook. I don't know how im going to cope without him,I think he's my literal soulmate .

Namjoon gets Areum to the bedroom while I turn the tv off and leave the living room.

I finally change into my pj's , and slide into the warm and soft bed. I turn my back to Namjoon and drift off without a kiss or a goodnight.

~A/n~ OMG THANK U FOR 835 readsssss. This story is definitely not over. More drama. More tears. More surprises. Stay tuned xxx

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