No way

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~ 2 months later~

I finally moved in with him.He asked a few of his friends to help me move. Namjoon couldn't help he was busy with his work and he still is. Even though we work together I rarely see him .He's either having meetings or travelling every day.Same at home. He rarely comes back.I only see him when I'm going to bed or early in the morning.

~Present day~

It was an early morning.It was so sunny and warm .Namjoon already left for work.He has been going early for the few weeks .Haven't seen him in a bit of time.

Oh but me I'm sitting on the cold tiles in the bathroom . Yup on the floor by the toilet.My back was sweaty. I was as white as paper.You might be wondering why.I have been throwing up for the last few weeks . At least 1-3 times a day. But it happens more in the morning. My back has been killing me as well. Every slight bend hurts.Also I have been eating the weirdest things . I stopped eating my favourite snacks and meal. Instead I eat the foods that rarely eat.

My body is also changed shape. The jeans that I wear almost every day don't fit me anymore .I'm getting confused by all of this.

I don't think I'm gonna go to work I can't physically.And I really don't want to worry Namjoon as he is very busy . Having important calls every day.I sent a text to him to make sure he knows I'm not coming: "Hey baby, I don't I can come to work today I'm not feeling well.But don't worry I will have some medicine .Love you xx.

I didn't get response but now I'm used to it because he said he turns his personal phone off.I mean it is sad. I miss his touch ... everything about him.

I have some ideas of what it can be. Maybe its food poising ,as I said I have been eating weird things. But I don't think I would be having those random back pains.

I finally decided to call a nurse. Oh and she's my friend I know her because as I said I had many jobs here.

Ok she will be here in a bit.


Oh she's here. I opened the door and hugged her.She had a lot of equipment.Some thing looked like a big monitor.Oh I know what it is ,it's when doctors check if your pregnant,but wait I'm not pregnant."Haha I don't think I'm pregnant" I said with a light chuckle."Well I still need to check your stomach so lay down and stop acting like a doctor" she said and started to laugh.I smiled at her and laid down.

She lifted up my shirt to reveal my lower stomach .I felt the cold gel ,I hissed at the feeling.She went from side to side ."Soooo....?" I asked worriedly because she wasn't saying anything."Has your back been hurting?" "Yes" " Have you been throwing up in the mornings?" she asked me while I laid there in confusion"Yes" I answered her." Congratulations!! Your pregnant!" she said . I just froze in place . I literally felt like I was going to faint.

Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg .I can't be . I'm not ready.I'm scared.Wait... how am I gonna tell Namjoon. I'm gonna cause so much stress.He won't have time for this."thank you" I said while still in shock."I'm gonna get going now" she said while I slowly stood up.I hugged her ans she walked out.

I straight away called Jungkook and asked him to come over . I told him that it was an emergency.

He was at my house in 15 min even though he lives 30 mins away. That just proves that he's my best friend.

He barged through the door he was was breathing heavily .I saw him and tears started to roll down my cheek. He ran to me and hugged me tightly.

Jk:What's wrong? What happened?Did Namjoon do something cause I swear to go-"

Y/n :Stop stop. I'm fine.

Jk: So what's wrong then?

We sat down on the sofa. He was still hugging me . And I was still crying. I was sobbing so hard.


I burried my face into his chest.I know he was in shock.He rubbed my back but the rest of his body was frozen and I can feel his jaw open against my head.

Jk: OMG, congrats!! Why are you crying shouldn't you be happy?

y/n: I'm scared ...I haven't told him yet....and I only found out today.

Jk : It's ok .don't worry.I'm here for you.We will tell him together.

~Namjoon's POV~

I was going back from home early.I finally have a 2 days off.To spend with my baby.

I finally pulled up to our house and sped walk to the door and opened .I walked in and saw Jungook's back and y/n's arms around him. But then heard her loud sobs .I ran to her to look what happened.

~Y/n's POV~

I felt another pair of arms around me and that deep husky voice that I haven't heard in a long time."Baby what happened? Why are you crying? Are you ok?" he started to ask. Jungkook went away . Namjoon looked at him and nodded."Shhh calm down, i'm here now.Everything is ok."he patted my head stroking my hair.

I finally calmed down.But I still wasn't ready to tell him.

"I'm so sorry...I'm sorry for causing this.....I will understand if you leave me.... I'm sorry" I said while looking down. I think I was rambling at this point.He looked at me confused"No what's wrong? i won't ever leave you2 he said while he tightened the hug.

I breathed in deeply.

"I'm pregnant" I said it while my eyes got teary.

He stood up and .......

~A/n ~ ha ha cliff hanger . You probably already guessed she's pregnant .but there is more to come so stay tunned. I hope you enjoyed!! sorry for any errors .xxxxxxx

Final JobOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora