Time to explore

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A couple days have passed since my brother and best friend came to visit. I miss them already. Although they didn't really bring good news, I still enjoyed their visit.

Not to mention a whole bag of toys for Areum. They're the sweetest men in my life.

I scrambeled out of my bed, with about 2% of energy. I have been doing nothing and Im tired. This is suppose to be a healing time. Ive just been stuck in the same place.

I try to take 1 step forward my mind and heart take me 3 steps back. Is this what heartbreak feels like?

I looked up in the mirror,wipping some of the condensation off so I could see my face. They say a shower should be a refreshing thing to do.
But every time I step in the shower my mind just stops. My eyes focus on one point and I feel like Im in another world. Physically there but mentally somewhere. Floating.

I unwrapped my towel and fully dried myself off. Sliding on my underwear and clipping on my bra.

I leaned on the counter where the sink is, slowly moving my eyes up . I look so tired. So drained.

I shook my head before my mind floated away. Running a brush through my half wet and dry hair.

Some strands of hair coming out every time I run my fingers through my hair.
I finished getting dressed

I walked back into the bedroom. To find Rosè sitting next to Areum's crib. "Oh hey, I hope you don't mind. I heard her crying . And I heard that you were in the shower." She explained "Oh thank you" I said giving her a soft smile

I hesitated but I blurted out " Would you be able to watch Areum for a couple of hours, I just I realized I haven't really explored much or gone out of the house to be honest" I chuckled awkardly.

"Oh my god, of course girl. I would love to watch this cutie" she said as she played with Areum.

"Thank you so much" I wrapped her in a tight hug.

Grabbing my phone and my purse. I quickly said goodbye to Rosé " i shouldn't take to long" I said " Take as much time as you need. Me and you *she cuddled Areum* are going to have so much fun" she started talking to Areum and I took that as my que to leave.

Stepping outside felt so alien to me. I felt like I was watched by everyone. You know that feeling where you feel like every move you make will be judged by someone. I hate being me right now.

Its just your anxiety . My inner voice whispered

I quickly typed city center in google maps. And caught the bus that I needed.
I sat down closer to the front, the sun is going to set soon. But I like the city better at night. More lights, less people. Well at least on a weekday.

Today was Saturday, so the city is going to be buzzing with people . Having fun. Yay, just what I needed. Note the sarcasm.

Plugging in my earphones , I put on my favorite playlist. And relaxed more into the seat.

I kept on passing one or two people, the closer to the center the more people. Everyone looked so happy, laughing with their friends.

Some people, walking alone. But still looking happy and care free. But you never know what is in their minds. I really wish I could read minds. Imagine that.That would be so cool. It would be funny to scare people by telling them what they will say before they say it.

Before my mind got too occupied. I pressed the stop button to get off the bus.

The fresh air slowly brezzing by, my freshly washed hair flowing like those princess haird dos in the movies.

I was the complete opposite of a princess. More like a background character. Blending in.

My eyes sparkled with excitment, well more like from all the lights that lit up the city. Everything was so flashy and bright. But so beautiful.

After walking down the streets for a about an hour, exploring all the buildings and lights. I found a cute little restaurant. There didnt seem to be many people there.

I walked in, a bell ringed as I opened the door. Making sure the people behind the counter know that someone is here.

As I walked in a lady walked out from the kitchen.She's probably in her 40's. Black wavy but short hair. She was just a few centimeters shorter than me. She was wearing a flowery loose dress. She had those eyes. Those eyes Ive definetly seen somewhere. So much warmth and love in them.

"Hello darling, what can I get you?" She snapped me out of my thoughts. With a soft smile , i noticed she had dimples. Why am anyzing this woman so much , jesus.

"Um can I have a minute to check out the menu?" I politely replied. "Ofcourse sweetheart" her silky voice said.

I took a seat by the window. Im surprised but it has a really good view. Why is it so empty?
Probably because its not a club. My mind snickered.

After looking over the menu I decided to get some sushi . Im literally in love with sushi. The flavours and wasabi . Mm my mouth is literally watering just from thinking about it.

I noticed the lady staring at me every time I looked away.
So I wasted no time and went over to the counter. Might as well make some friends.

"What is such a beautiful girl doing here all by her self?" She started the conversation.

Before I knew it we were into a full on conversation.I was already finished with my sushi. But I couldnt care less, this lady just felt so cozy if thats a word that I could describe her with.

"My son is somewhere over seas" she sighed to her self. It looked like she was deep in thought.

"Im guessing you dont see him often" I carefully asked " no, haven't seen him for some time now, but I know he's doing well. I think he has a girlfriend and a baby. But those are just rumors on the news" she smiled. Not one ounce of happiness in her smile.

I somewhat related to her. Mostly with the sadness part.

Thank you everyone for all the reads. Thank you to all of you who have added my book to your reading lists. It means a lot❤️

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