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I woke up because I felt Namjoon move . I open my eyes slowly and he sighs "Sorry baby that I woke you up " he said "Oh its—" I got cut off by him "I wasn't talking to you I was talking to her or him " he came closer and leaned by my belly and kissed it

I pouted my lips and crossed my arms. He looked at me and laughed. I turn away from him so my back was facing him.He sighed deeply. "Im joking baby" he said while walking around to the other side of the bed .

I saw his beautiful dimples on his tanned face. He looked at me "I love you" he said . I just pouted my lips and murmured "I love you to" and covered my face , pretending that I'm going to sleep.

Suddenly I felt his soft hands wrapped around my neck . He was so gentle . It's like I could barely feel his touch. He pulled my chin up and made me look at him . "Kiss me "I said in a confident voice . He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

He moved his lips onto mine. I will never get used to that feeling in my stomach when he kisses me . It flips upside down .

He kissed me so passionately. It was the softest kiss ever. His lips were so soft and smooth.

I pulled away and said "Not in front of the baby" I said while rubbing my belly gently. He looked at me and said "Ok....but when we go home " he had this big smirk on his face . I hit his chest playfully.

He looked at his watch "Oh sorry baby I have to go to work now" he said whilst getting closer to me again . I pouted my lips "Ok....." and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed be back on the lips. "Love you " I whispered when he pulled away from the kiss . He looked at me and whispered it back .

He then got his jacket and his bag and walked out of the room . Whilst the door was closing I saw two bodyguards standing by the door . But then I heard a familiar voice ....no it can't be......


"IM HER BROTHER !!!LET ME IN NOW!!!!" He shouted . I heard it even though the door was closed.

I shouted back at the guards "Let him in!" Then the door slowly opened.

Jimin looked very angry and disappointed. He looked at me with a blank face ."Well a hi would be nice and maybe a how are you ?" O said sarcastically. He didn't move a muscle

"Remove it" he said with a cold voice "What are-" he cut me off "Remove that fucking baby from your body we don't need a disgrace in our family....I told you he's not the guy so you go ahead and get pregnant "his gaze getting stronger.

I was so shocked of what he just said . My eyes started to water up. "I can't believe my own brother is saying that to my face...How could you...Dad sent you here didn't he......" I started to sob even harder. "I WILL NEVER REMOVE MY BABY AND I REPEAT NEVER I DONT CARE IF YOUR GONNA TAKE MY MONEY MY HOUSE I CAN LIVE ON THE STREETS BUT I WILL MAKE SURE MY BABY IS LIVING.AND I LOVE NAMJOON I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING HIM. AND YOU WONT CHANGE THAT" I said in a confident voice while staring back at him

He looked at me with his jaw open.
"FINE!" He shouted in my face and stormed off .

Tears started to roll down my face . My body was shaking .........

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