Catching up

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It's been about a week since that unwanted situation. The thoughts about him knowing where I am are non stop roaming in my head.

And thats the exact reason I haven't left the house. My nerves have doubled since the meeting with his mother. I've never been this paranoid in my life.

But what am I really scared of?
Facing the truth, that he cheated and for some reason is still trying to find me. Thinking back on how I left. I didn't let him explain. Maybe there was an explanation to all of this. Maybe I didn't want to know.

I know I should be going out and exploring, and to be honest I really need to find a job. I can't keep living for free.

The money I had saved up was slowly running out, as I did buy some groceries a few times and of course all the baby stuff that Areum needs. But as I said the past week I've barely even left the room. I probably look so ungrateful. Rosé watched Areum, she lets me live here , and Im here sitting in the room doing absolutely nothing.

After a few minutes of just laying in bed and thinking, my phone alerted me that I just received a text. The text was received 4 hours ago.

Jimin: Hey, how have you been? How's my lovely niece? I just wanted to let you know that me , Jungkook and Taehyung are coming to visit.
Jimin: We're 10 mins away. See you soon
Thats text was 8 mins ago so they can be here any -

The doorbell rang. I quickly jogged down the stairs.Trying not to slip with my fluffy socks on.

"Omg hiiii" I squeal.
All three men engulf me in a big bear hug. Squeezing the absolute air out of me.
Finally letting go , I took a deep breath and laughed.

After some catching up, Rosé has finally returned from work.
"Oh hello, didn't know we expected guests" she looks over at me. Guilt slowly taking over me " oh im sorry, I didn't even re-" I started saying " Girl it's all good, to be fair its good that they're here. Becauseeee we are going outttt" she said excitedly. I looked at all three men.
Jimin had a huge smile on his face, Jungkook was staring into space and Tae just sat there with a very calm poker face.
" welll, come on let's get ready" I didn't get a chance to reply , she already started to drag me upstairs.

She pushed me inside of her room and sat me down infront of her vanity. Loads of expensive make up neatly stacked up on the sides. A few foundation bottles and other makeup products laying around.

Before I could even utter a word. She already had half of her make up spread out on the table. And was now applying primer to my face.

After about an hour and a bit of doing make up and hair we finally got to the most important bit. What to wear.

After chucking and throwing blouses, jeans and all types of clothes around we finally found what we wanted.
My dress :

Not my usual style whatsover, I didn't really have a choice

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Not my usual style whatsover, I didn't really have a choice . And I couldn't argue either I just knew there was no point. I could never win an argument with her.
Rosé's outfit

White and gold, honestly look so good together

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White and gold, honestly look so good together.

After leaving the boys with their jaws on the floor. We called and uber and arrived at the club.

I honestly don't remember the last time I was here. Are single mothers suppose to go out? To a club?

As soon as the door was opened , loud blaring music vibrated throughout the big room. Sweaty bodies grinding against each other. Some are sitting of to the sides enjoying the crowd.

These heels will kill me. I did my best and tried to walk normally, trying to not look like Im in pain.

We soon reached the bar, and Rosé ordered us a few shots and martinis. " We are getting wasteddd wooooo" She screamed at the top of her lungs.  A huge smile made its way on my face.

I deserve this and I definitely need this.

After the alcohol entered my body. I felt my body relax and more so my mind. I let go of all the thoughts for now.

It was so hot , me and Rosé were in the middle of the dance floor. Grinding against eachother. I mean we both look absolutely amazing , so why not.
~A/n~ hey people, sorry for taking so long on the update. I know its not the longest but I should update soon again. Thank you for reading. Have a good day!

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