Home sweet home

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~Y/n's POV~
I was finally released from the hospital, and finally going home.
It was early in the morning , around 8 am.
I was back on my feet, still a bit wobbly but at least I was walking.

Honestly wearing my own clothes and not a hospital gown , felt amazing. I feel clean and comfortable. Surprisingly wearing my own clothes give me shit load of confidence.

Namjoon has not left me side, like literally if i go toilet he stands outside the door, if i try to reach for a glass of water he jumps up just so he can hand it to me. After numerous times of telling him that im fine and that I need to start moving he refused. Which did annoy me, but I just couldn't cope with how sweet he was actually being.

We finally reach the car, a soft smell of Namjoon's perfume mixed with the clean car smell enters my nose, and my body relaxes even more. I can't contain myself, I'm so excited to go home. Our home.

I haven't seen my baby girl in 2 days I think, being in the hospital really messes with time tracking.

"How are you feeling baby?" His soft voice fills the car.
"Happy, excited and a bit nervous " I say my leg bouncing up and down.
"You have nothing to worry about, we're safe now" he says , gently placing his large hand right above my bent and bouncing knee.

I give him a soft smile, and sigh.


"We're backk!" I say as soon as we open the door.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook with Areum in his arms run from the living room. Almost fighting of who gets to hug me first.

Of course I missed all of them, but most of all. My sweet girl.

Okay why does it look like she's grown more, I've only been away for a week. Her tiny arms reach out towards me , not the grabby hands awww I think im going to melt.

"Hiii pretty girl, how's my little girl" I coo at her. She makes gurgling noises , her little face scrunched up with a big smile .

After a few minutes, I give Areum to Namjoon. As soon as she's out of my arms all three of the men tackle me. Almost all the way down to the floor.
"Easy easy, I really don't want to go back to the hospital" I squeak out.

Suddenly the house is filled with warm and genuine laughter.

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