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"Aw well isn't this sweet?" My dad said in a monotonous voice. His grip still tight on my hair. My scalp is starting to burn.

Namjoon started to take big and quick steps towards me " uh uh uh stop right there" my dad's eyes moved from me to Namjoon. " You think you can just barge in here and order me around. This is not how it works . It's either you or her" he said his eyes quickly glancing at me and back at Namjoon.

"Antonio-" Namjoon started to say before he was cut off with a loud bang. How the hell does he know my dad's name.

Bits of the ceiling crumbled around us and dust going everywhere.

Of course Antonio started to cough with his old ass. And me being smart , I took the opportunity to get out of his grip.

Did i say I was smart?

Before i could even take a step , a large and wrinkly hand wrapped around my neck. My front now facing Namjoon. "Stupid bitch " he said right next to me ear.

"So who's it going to be huh?" He know raised his voice.

"Kill me , not her" Namjoon said his voice calm. His face had absolutely no emotions. But his eyes, his eyes held everything. The anger and the fear.

"Of course , alright take this" Antonio shoved a black gun into my hand. " Go on" he motioned with his head.

"Im not going to kill him" I said not moving from where I was standing.
"Yes you are, let me give you some motivation " he lifted his hand and motioned for something behind me.

A few seconds later, I could hear some sort of wheels echoing towards us.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a buggy appear. My heart sunk. Not because of the buggy but who was pushing it.

"Rosé?" My voice wavering. Shit. I was right she did seem suspicious on the night out"why would you?" I stopped myself before I sounded any weaker.

"Oh darling, you really thought I was nice enough for my brother's friend to stay at my house for free?" She smiled in the most disgusting way possible " Your daddy over here had tabs open on you since the airport situation, I was the last piece in the puzzle"

Am I shocked?
I would love to say no. But I am, probably more hurt than shocked. Is Taehyung a liar as well? Is Jungkook and Jimin in danger?

With all this happening I didn't notice that Namjoon has disappeared.

" FIND HIM" Antonio screamed. I wasn't the only one that notice that he was gone.
Before any of my dad's men could move, the door was kicked open.

"Hello there" Yoongi's voice filled out the silence .

Namjoon walked right beside him. His eyes straight away finding mine. "Run when I say" he mouthed to me. I gave him a slight nod.

" so are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way." Yoongi started again.

" oh you got your little friends to help you?" Antonios face against the side of my head.
His grip on me tightened.
"Alright old man , just let her and the baby go" Yoongi said with no interest.

He started to walk towards us. My eyes looked at Namjoon "Run " he mouthed.

I took the opportunity and stamped on my father's foot and scrambled out of his hold.

My feet started to move faster than ever.

I was inches away from reaching safety. When a loud bang rung out again. Poor ceil-

Why is there blood dripping down my belly. Fuck. My body froze. I bent my neck to look down. My vision started to become blurry. Shit.

I swayed from side to side before my legs gave out and I fell to the floor.

"Noooo!!" A loud voice rung out. I know that voice from somewhere.

"Baby no, look at me. You're okay" the man now cradled my body .

" im just going to take a short nap, make sure to take care of my daughter "

"No no eyes on me darling, out daughter baby , our" oh i know who this is . My love.

A smile tugged on my lips" I love you" i said my body running out of strength.

Before I could here that angelic voice again, everything went black.

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