He's back

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~Y/n's POV~
I was sleeping peacefully when I heard the bedroom door open and saw Jungkook with Areum in his arms. She was all wrapped up and sleeping . He came to me and gave me her . She was so warm. Her little chubby cheeks were a slight pink color. She was so cute.

I gave her back to Jungkook so he can lay her down in her bed .

He walked back over to me. And I jumped into his arms and gave him a tight hug. " Thank you so much, I dont know what I would do without you" I whispered. He patted my back "Its ok im your best friend , Im always going to be here" he smiled and pulled away "Im gonna go make breakfast ok, you stay here and carry on resting" he said while walking out of the room.

As he softly closed the door. I stretched out over the whole bed. It felt so good to have a nice full night sleep. As i curled back into a ball I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Namjoon. " Im going to be home in 40 min" It said delivered 38 min ago. That means he's going to he home in like 2 min.

As I laid back down the door opened "oh Jungkook you didn—" I got cut off when I lifted my head and saw Namjoon's dimples. I jumped into his arms hugging him tight. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up which made my legs wrap around his waist.

I pulled away and kissed him so passionately. His right hand running through my hair. I lost my breath. It felt like I wasn't in the room it felt like I was floating. His arms felt like home. His sent made me feel safe.

He gently let me down on the floor "Im sorry for not being here for the whole week, sorry for not texting you as much" he said while looking into my eyes. "It's fine " I said in a calm voice. Honestly I don't care as long as he is here with me .

He walked over to Areum's bed where she was sleeping like an angel.
"Im gonna go jump in the shower " he said while getting a towel. I nodded and got back into bed.

I heard the water hit the tiles . And rolled over to the other side where Namjoon has left his phone. I closed my eyes when I heard a notification go off on his phone. It was only the vibration which made me open my eyes. I quickly glanced at his phone and saw a text from " Olivia 💍🤫" my face went blank. What is this?!

I opened the text " Hey,so when are you coming again? She has no idea right ? See you soon x" WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. Is this why he was gone for a week. To be with some girl while I was here at home.

I quickly called Jungkook into the room and showed him the texts . He couldn't believe his eyes. I quickly grabbed my phone and took pictures of his screen with the texts.

As i was taking the last picture the bathroom door swung open ....

"Y/n.....Jungkook....what are you doing?"

~A/n~ Surprise surprise, I came up with an idea so the updates should be more consistent. Thank you for reading xxx

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