Can't be real

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The crib is empty.

I don't think my brain is processing that. I feel like im stuck to the ground. Everything goes numb. I can hear my own heartbeat.

This high pitched sound is ringing in my ears. I can't feel anything.
"No no no no" i start to mumble.

~Namjoon's POV~

She doesn't move. She stands there still. Before I hear her low mumble.

I carefully touch her shoulder. No reaction. I go closer and twist her body towards me. Her eyes are blank. It looks like she's not even breathing.
"Y/ something. It's me" I try and bring her back to earth.
Her mouth slowly parts, before I could say anything else she lets out the loudest scream I've ever heard.

"Where's my baby? Where is she?!" She starts to run around the room. Throwing stuff on the ground. She goes up to the three men laying on the couch passed out. She shakes them , shouting.

What the fuck is going on? Where is my daughter?
The panic sets in more and more when I don't hear a baby crying. Every room is trashed but no signs of my baby.
Y/n is still running around the house. She looks like she will completely lose it in a minute.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, I walked back to the living room and splashed the three grown men.
When the water hits their faces, the gasps and coughing is heard through out the house.

I grab Jimin's collar "now. Where the fuck is my daughter?" I grit out. My breathing getting heavier and my fist tightening on his shirt.
"I don't know what happened. One minute we're talking the next there's a weird smell and now I wake up and you're in my face" he says , his voice sounding more panicked with each word. "Where is Areum?" Jungkook's voice raises .

An angry Y/n walks out of the room. Hot tears streaming down her face. "YOU TELL ME?! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO WATCH HER!" She screams .

~Y/n's POV~
This is not happening. I can't comprehend that she's not here. Im still hoping I hear her cry.
Jimin ,Tae and Jungkook all stare at me before they jump up and start running around the house doing the same thing I was doing a few minutes ago.

I can't stop my sobs. There's got to be some sort of hint or clue ,anything that would make this situation better.
Namjoon walks out with a note in his hand. "I found this underneath the crib" he rasps out.
I take it from his hand.

"My sweet angel,
I hope by now you are absolutely freaked out. I told you that you shouldn't have that stupid child. Or be with that poor excuse of a man. I will ruin your life. Just like you did mine. I can't wait to see the pain on your face when the most important things in your life are torn away from you."

Before my body was shaking with panic and fear but now its shaking with pure anger and rage.
That son of a bitch.

I feel eyes on me, I slowly lift my eyes to see Namjoon ,deep in thought.
I flip the note around to see if there are any sort of hints of where Areum could be.

This whole house feels like its closing in on me,the air is getting thinner. I take quick steps towards the garden door,and slam the door open.
The fresh night breeze slowly surrounds my body. I feel my muscles relax slightly, as I take a deep breath I hear the door open.

I twist my head to see Namjoon walking out with a blanket.

Where did this all go wrong? Was it my fault I left without giving or getting an explanation?
My daughter is somewhere with the poor excuse of my "father". My fist clench just thinking of what could happen.

I feel so powerless right now, my poor baby is probably so terrified, my heart beat picks up again. I have no idea what to do.

I feel a soft blanket on my shoulders, and a long slender arm wrapping around my shoulders. I didn't fight it or moved. His arms felt like the safest place in the world.

"We will find her, I already have people tracking cameras on the street and the main roads and also searching for any hints" he says in a low voice." I have a friend that um has certain connections, I will meet him in a few days" he said now slowly pulling away and looking at me.

"I will come with you" I say with no hesitation. He didn't say anything back and just nodded with his lips in a tight line.

"It will take him some time to get here, thats why I'm meeting him in a few days" he added, to make me less worried. I mean it didn't help, but I appreciate his effort.

I know we have a lot to talk about. But that's not our main priority. I can feel the tension, I can see how careful he is around me.

After a few minutes of standing here in silence his phone rang.

He put it on speaker " hello boss, we have tracked a car that was in-front of the house around 30 mins before you came home" the man said over the phone

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