Time away pt2

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~A/n~ Hello everyone, I am so so sorry for not updating so long. I won't lie to you ,I just haven't had any inspiration or motivation. But Im going to try and update you more often .I also updated the last part because I realized the plot didn't make sense.Sorry again and I hope you enjoy xxx

~Y/n's POV~
As we were heading to the car , Areum started crying, it was a different cry. Not that whiny baby cry it was a sad cry. I stopped and looked at her little face . Her soft peachy lips formed a little pout. While the salty tears rolled down her cheeks. "It's okay my princess, mummy is here. And I won't ever leave you okay" i wiped her tears off. She's only just a baby but from her face it looked like she understood every word that I said to her.
Jimin finished loading up the trunk with my luggage. And he carefully said " you ready?" I pressed Areum closer to me ,putting her head on my shoulder . I looked over at Jimin and nodded."California,here we come"
I put Areum in the baby car chair in the back. And sat in the front seat next to Jimin. I took a deep breath before Jimin started the car and we left the driveway. The first half and hour was pretty quiet until my phone buzzed. Jimin looked at me and smiled.
I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was Kookie. I got a text from him." Heyy,I hope your trip is going okay. You will be okay, im always a call away. Anyway so because Rosé has never seen you or met you she will have a sign at the airport because she will pick you up. She will have a sign with your name . I hope you guys have a safe flight, and I love you both so much. Already missing you" I smiled brightly my phone and texted back " missing you guys so much, thank you for this honesty from the bottom of my heart. Thats fine, I mean same with me I only know her name. I love you x"
I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. "Get some rest , we still have around 1hr of driving because of the traffic" Jimin said softly. I just nodded at him.
I finally rested my head on the car chair. And literally sunk into it.
~1hr and a bit later~
I felt the car stop, my eyes shot open ."We're here sis, we should hurry because the traffic took longer than expected " he said with a little bit of worry in his voice."okay, could you get the bags" i asked and he nodded.
Areum woke up as well,but surprisingly she didn't cry. I unbuckled her from the seat. And took her out.
I shut the car door and started walking over to the entrance of the airport.

~A/n~ Here you go guys, I know its not that long but I hope you enjoy it.

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