Your the reason for the problem

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I twisted around to see who it was ....

I couldn't believe my eyes.....My eyes and my body started to fill up with more anger ....

It was Ashley.Yes the same Ashley that tried to kill y/n and the baby.
"Don't run after her. There's no point.And just for your interest I was the one who told Jimin about y/n being pregnant....oh and by the way her dad not happy that you are with her" she smiled while trying to get closer to me.

I was done with her. I pushed her away and grabbed her by her hand and dragged her outside. I wrapped my hand around her neck . I wasn't strangling her. But my grip was getting tighter. She was losing her breath.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH! I WILL END YOU" I said while my jaw was clenching.I saw the fear in her eyes. "They are going to New York to live back there. They are planning on removing the baby....Im sorry" she said while pretending to tear up ."STOP PRETENDING ! I WILL LET YOU GO AND I BETTER NOT SEE YOU OR ELSE" I said and pushed her away.

I ran back to the airport to see the men still standing there. I sprinted there. I didn't have a ticket of course . I pushed through the people before security started to approach me.

I sped walked to the security guards.I saw y/n standing there her eyes red from crying. As she looked up and saw me her eyes lit up. The two men didn't see me.

I signaled her not to react . I quickly went to the security and told them that they are taking her against her will. At first the security guards were giving me a "this dude is crazy look" but I pointed to Y/n and they saw that I wasn't joking.

Straight away the two men in black suit saw me and tried to pull Y/n away through the gate but they were immediately stopped.

I ran to Y/n and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her weak hands around me. He whole body just gave in and she collapsed on the floor. I could feel she went as cold as ice. As i look down I see blood dripping on the floor. It was dripping down from her thighs.

No.Please. She can't lose the baby. My baby. She can't . She can't bleed. I looked around panicking for help. I pulled out my phone and called the ambulance. I took of my coat and put it on my knees as I kneeled down and put her head on my lap.

I stroked her hair and whispered "Im here now...don't leave me "

~A/n~. Heyyy guy ik its a rly short chapter but honestly Im kinda running out of ideas. So just bare with me. I hope u like it. Not rly sure when the next update is gonna be but just hang in there. Love ya. Comment and vote . Thankssss xxxx

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