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"I just want to ask you something, you don't have to answer me now but......y/n will you move back in with me? I already have the basic baby stuff, you can decorate it . I just asked my people to buy the stuff we will need for the first few weeks" I said with a smile on my face . "Of course I will " I giggled.

Of course my mind still hasn't come to the conclusion that I lost a baby. I don't think I will ever come to the thought I lost a child. The pain is tearing me heart. But I have to provide love for our babygirl twice as much.

As Jonnie was drifting off to sleep the door slowly opened and Jungkook and Tae walked in . I had a huge smile on my face when I saw the balloons Tae had the pink ones and Jungkook had blue. I straight away put my finger to my lips to show that Namjoon is sleeping but as soon as I lifted my arm Namjoon's head just popped up "Are you ok? Whats wrong?" He started panicking. But as he looked around he saw Jungkook and Tae standing there with balloons and he sighed from relief .
I told them everything. They both gave me a tight hug and Jungkook kissed my forehead as a sign of care and love as a best friend.

As we were talking we heard a knock and I shouted to let who ever is there in. The nurse walked in with our baby in her arms. Tae had a box smile straight away and Jungkook jumped out of excitement. The nurse brought the girl to my arms . All three grown men surrounded me. Especially Jungkook he was so happy. Namjoon just smiled . "She's beautiful, just like her mum" Tae smiled . Jungkook nodded so did Jonie.

"Do you want to hold her ?" I asked in a low voice not to make the baby scared . Kookie stretched his arms out straight away. I slowly put her in his arms and he was so stiff. He started making all these weird baby noises . I just smiled to see how happy my best friend is . He's basically my big brother.As I looked at Tae he just had heart eyes whilst looking at Jungkook.

Kookie leaned in and gave a sweet kiss on her forehead. She was slowly falling asleep. So was I .

On the last day of staying at the hospital we had to go and fill up the documents about her name and stuff.Me and Namjoon have finally decided on the name its gonna be "Areum" which means beautiful as she is very beautiful.

After we got that sorted we came back to the room and started packing . Namjoon went out to get the baby car chair whilst Tae and Kookie helped me pack. Areum was peacefully sleeping in the crib.

As we finished packing we went to the front desk of the hospital to tell that we are done and leaving.

It was pouring outside. But Namjoon drove right up to the entrance and I quickly and carefully ran to the car with my girl covered as much as possible. She had this cute fluffy bunny one piece on that of course Kookie gave us.

~A/n~ Here u go , a little update x

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