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A few days have passed, of me and Rosé watching movies and relaxing. Playing with Areum and going around the area.

I really want to say that I feel better but, i just can't. At day time everything is fine, no problem. But at night when im alone with my thoughts. Its gets really bad

What if I rushed into leaving?
What if he had an explanation?
But what if he is cheating?
Am i not good enough?

And thats just part of my overbearing thoughts. Im so tired. Why is this happening to me? But more , why did HE do that to our daughter.

A loud ring broke me from my thoughts. My phone. I rolled over to the other side of the bed where the ringing was coming from.

"No ID"Who in the fuck?

"Hello" a raspy voice called out
"Who is this?"
Silence. Heavy breathing. What the hell is going on?
"Beautiful. Its me" the man responded.
No.no. It can't be. I can't explain the emotion that just washed over me. My palms started to sweat . Heart beat increased. Breathing begins to get faster.
"Don't call this phone. Im not your beautiful " i hung up.

I felt like the world stopped. I miss him. No I can't what the hell is wrong with me?
You still love him.
No shut up.
If you say so.
The inner monologue in my head continued.

I felt like my thought were eating me up from the inside. Its like this numb feeling just started to spread through my body and no matter how hard I try to stop it I just can't.

He is all I can think of. Its bad really bad.

Suddenly there was a knock at my bedroom door.
"Yes come in"
There was a knock again.
"I said come in" I grew more agitated.
Then there was silence, low voices were heard outside my bedroom. I know its only me and Rosé but sudden panic took over me. What if someone broke in? I think Rosé is at work.

Areum is peacfully sleeping in her crib. Thank god.

I slowly stood up from the bed. And made slow steps towards the door. The voices quieted down. Im just confused as to why there was no movement just voices.

As I reached the door, I grabbed the first thing that I saw . An umbrella, great. But to be fair I have watched too many shows about murder on Netflix. I could kill well more like hurt someone with a spoon. So an umbrella will work perfectly.

I slowly twisted the handle and basically slammed the door open.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" i screamed out.

"What the hell are you doing?" A voice I didnt expect to hear echoed through the house

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