Time away

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~Y/n's POV~
I couldn't think straight. But one thing i know for sure is that I don't want to speak or see Namjoon. Hearing his name is like a knife through my heart.
I walked upstairs and got my suitcase, I started packing everything. I was just throwing everything in the suitcase. Areum was in Jimin's arms
I need to get out of here, I feel so trapped. Every place , everything reminds me of him.I need something different. I feel like I'm trapped in a tight box the only thing I do is breathe.
I took Areum from Jimin's arms,he didn't say anything but I can still feel the anger boiling in him. I put my forehead up to hers "everything will be okay princess, i love you so much and your uncle loves you so much.I will do anything and everything to keep you safe and happy. I really wish that your *my voice started to become shaky* dad....you know never mind him ." Urgh i got so many emotions bursting through my head and heart.
We finally got downstairs, Jungkook and Tae were on the computer , Jungkook looked up at me and gave me a supportive smile.
I walked over to the sofa and just plopped down.
I sighed deeply "when is this gonna end" I whispered to my self.
"Done " Tae said in his deep voice . I felt some sort of relief.
"Do i really want to do this?" My mind was all over the place.
I was so lost , I don't know what I want anymore. I need to get some fresh air. Without saying anything i walked outside to the garden , i felt the gentle sunshine on my pale skin. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I was so blanked out that I didn't feel or hear when Jungkook walked outside.
"Heyy, you okay? How are you feeling? You ready" he slowly and carefully started asking me questions. I just nodded.
I turned around to him and just walked into his embrace "I don't know what I would do without y—" i got cut off by kookie " dont even. I will always be here for you, you accepted me. We made a promise when we were 15 okay? Im not leaving your side okay?" He said in a reassuring voice. I just nodded and hugged him tighter.
We stood there for a bit " sorry to ruin your moment, but um your flight is in 2 hrs and the airport is 1 hr away...you might wanna start getting ready" Tae said in a shy but calm voice. Me and Jungkook looked at each other and smiled.
I walked back upstairs to get my stuff and Jimin followed me "let me take this" he said while taking the suitcase out of my hands"i will drive you to the airport,its the least I can do" he said with a hopeful smile. I looked up at him and just smiled.
"You two love birds can stay home,Jimin will take me to the airport " I shouted from upstairs.
"Okay...this is it" I said while taking one last glance at the room.
We walked downstairs.
As i was putting on my shoes , Tae came around from the corner , i stood up and went straight to him and hugged him " thank you so much, honestly im so grateful for you guys" Tae rubbed my back and just nodded. I turned to Jungkook " Don't you dare cry" he said while giving me a bear hug. "Thank you" thats all i could whisper."I love you guys ,see you soon"
We said our goodbyes and walked outside to the car .

~A/n~ heyyy, so here's a little update. Hope you enjoy it xx

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