What am I feeling?

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It was the next day at the office. I was just on my computer doing my work. When I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I thought it was Namjoon because he was out for a bit but I turned around and I saw "JUNGKOOK-ah!!" I shouted and jumped up from my chair .

Jungkook is my best friend. We have been best friends since I was 5 or even younger. Our parents are good friends." You have grown so much, I missed you so much!" He rubbed my back and hugged me.

As we were hugging we heard a cough behind us. " Oh kookie this is my boss Nam- I mean Mr .Kim" i smiled at him " Nice to meet you Im Jungkook" he shook Namjoon's hand. I saw Namjoon's face he looked a bit ...jealous?

" Call me Namjoon" he said in his deep voice. I went out to get some coffee for the three of us.
Nm:So how do you know y/n?
Jk: we have been best friends for a looonngg time
Nm:oh thats nice

I got back from the coffee shop. I walked in the office and sat down next to kookie . I saw Namjoon's jaw clench. Was he seriously getting jealous? I asked myself. We drank the coffee and talked well it was mostly me and kookie talking and asking each other questions since we haven't seen each other for a really long time.

"Oh I better go now . I need to get a few things, I will text you later y/n.Byee" he gave me a hug " bye kookie love you"i said and smiled "love you more princess " he said and left.

I looked at Namjoon his face looked really angry and upset."Whats wrong ? I asked him shyly "Nothing" he replied coldly. What is he doing ? Why is he like this?

More and more questions came into my mind. I was trying to get back to work and concentrate but I couldn't I just had this weird feeling. The vibe in the room wasn't that good either . I could feel the tension between me and him.

"Namjoon..." i said in a low voice " Yes y/n" he looked at me. "What's going on you seem upset?" I finally spit it out. He stopped typing and turned his chair towards me " Do you love him and not in just a best friend way?" He asked. Why does he care?

I still answered him." No he's like a brother to me I known him since I was a little child , I could never look at him in that way I mean he is handsome but I could never...Why are you asking?" I looked up at him"o-o-h I -*RINNNGGG* his phone started to ring.

He answered "Hello, yes I'll be there in a min" he hung up." Um I have to go, I'll talk to you later ." And he walked out the office .

I just stared into space . It was time for home anyway so I packed my things and left. But one question keeps on coming back into my mind on my way home " What was he going to tell me?"

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