Is that a yes?

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We're at the beach...?

Is this some sort of a joke? The car stops at the sea front that is now only light by the sunset and the lampposts. I was just about to open my mouth and ask what the hell are we doing here, Jungkook abruptly got out of the car. And quite literally disappears.

"Miss I was instructed to give this to you" the driver spoke. Right...Am I being kidnapped? The drive turns around in his seat and hands me a blindfold. His face has no emotion, not a smile ,nothing. Im really confused now.

"Please put that on and I will lead your way" he spoke again. "Don't worry you are safe"
Like that makes me feel better, I put the blindfold down and just shake my head. I grab my purse and open the car door. "Miss-" the driver's voice gets cut off by the slam of the car door.

Soft breeze tickles my back, making my skin break out into lighy goosebumps. My feet slowly move on the sandy pavement, there is absolutely no one around. I start to walk around the car to look for Jungkook, when a soft light catches my eye.

There's a bunch of candles on the ground, I walk closer to the candles and realise that its a path. My feet start to slowly sink into the sand. I can hear the waves crashing against the shore, the soft sounds of trees and bushes somewhere in the distance.

my phone dings with a message.'walk faster. I promise everything is okay' from Jungkook. Right this is probably some sort of a prank.

"How do you expect me to go faster in heels on sand?!" I shout into the distance. And I swear I heard light snickering coming from one of the bushes ahead of me.

I huff before I bend down and unclasp my heels. My feet touch the cold sand. Making my feet sink in even more, great now i will have sand everywhere.
I quicken my pace. I finally start to see brighter lights, I try to squint to see what's in the distance.

And my jaw drops.

There are rose petals leading me to a whole bunch of different flowers that are put around  a gazebo that has fairy lights all around it. There's lots of pillows and a blanket laying on the sand.

I didn't even notice when a tall figure appears from out of nowhere.
"Hi pretty girl" he whispers. I could never forget this voice. Namjoon."Hi, what is going on?" i ask with butterflies still fresh in my stomach.

"You are my woman. My soulmate. My absolute world, I have no idea what I would do without you. You have shown me so much in life. You have proved that life is actually worth it. You and Areum are everything I need in life. I know this might seemed rushed but I can't wait anymore I want to ask officially. Y/n will you marry me?" He slowly squats down on one knee.

Here come the water works. I can't stop it, my lip started to tremble the second he said 'soulmate'. God is this really happening to me? I actually can't believe it.
I know he's shown me the ring, but over the course of everything that has happened it completely slipped my mind. I didn't mind me and him just being boyfriend and girlfriend. But from his words I can tell this means so much more to him.

I snap back to reality, my eyes are probably becoming puffy and red. There goes all the efforts for my makeup.
"Is that a yes?" His voice trembles. "Yes yes yes ten million times yes" I finally say and tackle him in a hug.

His arms wrap around me "God I got scared for a moment " he whispers against my neck. "You're all mine. Every bit of you." He presses a soft and warm kiss to my forehead.

We pull back from the hug, both of our hands shaking, he gently slides the ring on my finger.

"Wooohoooo yessss girl!!" Jungkook ,Jimin and Taehyung with Areum in his arms come out from the bushes.

They all wrap me in a bear hug, the soft giggles of Areum filling the beach.

"We only came to say congratulations. Now we will leave you two love birds. Enjoy the rest of your night" Jungkook says as he turns to walk away. I smile at him while he just winks at me.

God this day has been eventful.

Namjoon softly takes my hand and pulls me down to sit down in between his legs. He is wearing a white dress shirt with a couple buttons unbuttoned at the top. And dark trousers. He looked so good.

When we finally settle down, he leans me back into his chest. Gently moving my hair to the side, to get better access to my neck. He slowly brings his nose to my shoulder and places a hot kiss right on top of my shoulder He slowly moves up till he reaches right below my ear.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you" he whispers. My whole body is now literally just goosebumps. His fingers softly graze my arms and the other my thigh.

God this man.

" I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you too. God im so in love with you" I turn my head and without a warning I press my lips to his.

This is all I ever wanted. The feeling of safety and comfort. I have never imagined that my home would be a person. He's my home. I have never felt this sure in my life. He's my forever.

                                      THE END

Wow. This is really the end. I started this book in 2018. Stopped writing for some time. Came back saw how cringe my writing was, it probably still isn't the best. But Im happy to finish this story.

I will probably start writing another book. It will not be a fan fiction. But i hope you guys will still read it.

I hope you enjoyed this, sorry for any grammar mistakes or any mistakes in the timeline. It was quite hard following the time when I started editing the book.

Thank you for all the votes and reads. Love you all xx

Till next time xx

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