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It's been one day since I haven't held my babygirl. I feel absolutely empty. Like a piece of me was ripped out of me. I miss her giggles and cuddles even her 2 am cries.

I haven't slept whatsoever. Every time I try , all these thoughts invade my head. I mean how could I sleep. Im doing absolutely nothing to save my baby.

Namjoon has been in and out of the house. The last news we got was that there was a car in front of the house 30 mins before we came back home.

We even went around to the neighbors to ask if they have seen anything. But all of them said they saw nothing. Fucking great.
I have absolutely no idea where my child is .

It was now around 5 am in the morning. Im laying in my bed absolutely wide awake. My head is all over the place. I can't stop but think about the worst.

I have no idea what my father can do or is doing to my daughter.
Before my thoughts could continue there was a soft creaking outside my door.
Two soft knocks
"Hey, it's me" I heard Namjoon's voice. Do i want to see him right now? I have way more important things to worry about.
"Come in" i lowly said.

The door slowly opened. My room was quite dark apart from the street lights shining through the edges of the curtains.

I sat up and pulled the duvet up towards my chin.
His tall body softly sat down on the corner of the bed." I know this is probably the wrong time. Don't think Im not going crazy as well. But I want to tell you this , so there's less on your mind" he started out.
"Listen I don't care anymore. If you're happy with whoever you're with that's fine. I can understand that you were looking for me because you wanted to see your daughter. I won't stop you from seeing her when we get back" I interrupt before he can continue and before I start crying.

I actually can't confront someone without crying, how stupid is that. I can already feel the tears coming up. The lump in my throat getting bigger.

"What? You think I have someone else?" He said with disbelief. Now its my turn to give him the 'are you serious look?'
"What am I suppose to think? Before I left. The last few weeks you were gone . Every single day you come back late. You were being cold towards me." I say with a hint of disgust in my voice.

Deep breaths , deep breaths. I can do this.

"I was working late because I wanted to make more money for my girls. I was planning something. I didn't want you finding out" he said now moving closer to me.
"Find what out? That you have a secret girlfriend....what was her name...oh right Olivia?! Does that ring any bells" my voice now getting louder.

His face now turning into anger.

I need to get out of here. Before he can utter another word , Im already out of the bed and heading for the door.
Right as I was going to reach for the handle I was yanked back and pushed against a wall.
"Let go of me. This conversation is done" I struggled against his grip.

"No we're done when I say we're done" he gritted his teeth. "You want know who Olivia was huh? You went through my phone. You little brat" he pushed me further against the wall.
"I was going to propose to you. She's my cousin. She has a jewelry company. " he said in low voice.

It felt like all the air was knocked out of me. No. He's lying , he thinks he can get out of this this easily. "You think I will believe you huh?! Let go of me " i now shove him off of me.

But before I could take another step , a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. "Stop running. Please." His voice now helpless.
He carefully moved one arm away and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small black box. He flicked it open with his finger and revealed the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.
"You think I'm lying. Then why would I have your name engraved on the ring. Why would I have your name tattooed on my ribcage right where my heart is hm" he said the anger coming back." Do you not trust me? Have I ever given you reason to not trust me hm?" He whispered against my hair.

Yup, the tears are definitely coming now. God I was so stupid. How did I...
I twisted my body around. And softly cupped his cheeks. But he flinched away from my touch. "Im so so sorry" I whispered the tears and sobs now mumbling my words.

"You just left. You took everything and left. How do you think I felt huh?!" He's furious right now. I can feel his body radiating with anger.
"Im sorry. I know this is not an excuse but I never been in a relationship. I had no mother to teach those things. I had a bitch of a father who dismissed all my emotions." I said through my sobs. His face now softened a little bit.
'Im sorry' we both whispered. I don't know how we got so close. Our breaths now against each other's lips.

This what you guys been waiting for. They finally talked. I don't really know how many more chapters. I know that the story is coming to an end though.

After this book I was thinking of writing another book. It wouldn't be a fan fiction or I don't know it might be. Hopefully you guys would be interested.

Love you all x

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