No way.....2?

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My breathing started to get quicker, small drops of sweat were running down my face . Namjoon didn't let his eyes off of me. He was looking for any reason to call the doctors. He was so cute .
Every time I made a move he asked me if I'm giving birth or if I'm okay.

Giving birth isn't that easy. As it takes a few hours for the baby to get into the right position and be ready to come into the world.I was squeezing Namjoon's hand tightly.

I feel like he was more nervous than me . He was only in his shirt , sweating so much. His grape purple hair was slicked back . His plump lips getting dry every second. I can feel how shaky he was .
"Baby whatever happens, happens. If you lose me that means it was meant to be "I say in a calm but a bit shaky voice.

He shook his head "Im not loosing you or our baby" he pressed his lips against my hand and gave me a sweet kiss.
A few hours passed. The cramps were the worst . I couldn't take it even though I was telling Jonie to stay calm . He didn't listen and called the doctor.
As the doctor came in the room , they propped everything up. As she was checking if everything is ok.

The doctor was a woman as I felt more comfortable for it to be a woman.
She looked up at me and said " Well u have around 15-20 min left till you start to go into labour " we both looked at each other shocked at first but then gave each other a smile that said everything that needed to be said. "But I also have some other news" she said in a calm voice.

I gulped and squeezed Namjoon's hand even tighter. Tears building up in my eyes. I took a deep breath."Y/n Im very happy to say that there is 0% of you dying and um congratulations you are having twins"
It felt like my heart stopped . How is it possible?

Namjoon looked at me , he went completely blank and pale as paper. I couldn't believe it."I know you're probably in shock, but yes you are having twins to which explains the complications. As we took the first ultra sound baby number 2 wasn't showing " the doctor reassured us."I will give you around 2-5 min to talk and then be ready for the babies" she said as she walked out of the room.

"Baby.....I love you so much!" Namjoon said as he jumped up from his chair " I promise to take care of you and....our babies" he kissed my face . I smiled . "But are we ready for twins?" I said in a worried voice.

He just looked at me and gave me a reassuring look. I started to feel the contractions.
Namjoon called the doctor straight away.
This is it Im going into labour .
"Push....keep going....deep breathes ......1..2..3 Pushhh" thats all I heard from the doctor for the last 30 min . "Ok ok I see baby number 1's head. "Here we go one more ....big push" I grabbed the sides if the bed and gritted my teeth. "Here we go" the doctor said and I heard that little voice , screaming and crying.
As I took a quick glance at Namjoon i saw tears rolling down his soft cheeks.
I was drained . It felt like I had no power.
"Ok baby number 2 , you ready"she said in a cheerly voice. "1....2.......3 and Pushhhh.....deep breathes.......come on......push" the doctor directed me.
About 30 min later
"Last big strong push" she shouted. I took all the power that I had left in my body . "Ahhhhh" i screamed .
"Here we go" the said in a calm voice.
My head felt dizzy , everything started to go black and ...

~Namjoon's POV~
Omg. My babies.
I looked over at Y/n who was .....unconscious. I shouted at one of the nurses. She put an oxygen mask on her and was reassuring me "This happens sir dont worry" my eyes were roaming around the room. As I looked over to the doctor she had a frown on her face. There was no crying ....from baby number 2....

~A/n heyyyy here you go, i will probably be writing another chapter later on tonight.i dont know yet . But I hope u enjoyed this one . Ly . Comment. Like xxx~

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