Meet my brother

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I woke up because my phone started to ring . I look at my phone to see my brother Jimin calling .

I pick up "Hey, what do you want?" I say in a sleepy voice "Well a how are you would be nice "he laughed " Im in town, I thought I could see my beautiful sister" he said " Of course you can , wait I will call you back" I said as Namjoon sneaked his head on my chest

"Who's calling?" "Oh it's my brother, he wants to see me. But my apartment is ..... a bit small . Because I was telling him how I have a big house . And i know he will report everything to my dad. So thats great. " I awkwardly chuckled .

He looked confused "Why can't he come here? To my house , we will prepare dinner and everything. He can even sleep here if he wants " he smiled and kissed my cheek.

I was surprised that Namjoon let me do that. I got so excited I jumped on top of him and kissed him all over his face. "Thank you" I smiled and gave him a slow kiss.

I called Jimin back."Hey again, you can come to my um boyfriend's house " I was scared because I never had a proper boyfriend or been in a relationship for that matter.

It was always my dad saying "you're my perfect girl. No guy deserves you"
Well guess what dad , I have a boyfriend. I thought to myself.

"Boyfriend huh?" I heard his voice getting a bit deeper. "Send me the address " he said "Ok, bye love you" I said just to end the stressful call "Love you too sis" he hung up . I sighed deeply.

" why do you look so stressed?" He looked at me confused "It's just that I never had a proper relationship as in a boyfriend and he is very and I mean very protective of me" I said  fidgeting with his hair . " Im sure everything will be fine , we will get along don't worry" he kissed me .

I rolled out of bed. I really didnt want to leave the warm bed and the beautiful man laying in it

I was putting on the last touches of my make up and I put on the dress that Jimin gave me for my birthday. I thought me and Namjoon were gonna go out so I brought it here but I guess we're not.

I finished everything up and walked to the kitchen where Namjoon was already making his famous chicken noodles. "It smells delicious Joonie" I smiled at him .

He turned around and walked to me "You know what's more delicious?" He leaned in and whispered into my ear " W-what?" I asked hesitantly."You" and he grabbed a handfull of my butt and kissed me .

The kiss was soft but demanding. He pulled away " You look so beautiful sweetheart " his look changed to sweet and full of love . "You look handsome as well"

We finished everything. I put out the plates and all of the other stuff. I also made some snacks so the table wouldn't look so empty.

We finally heard the door bell . I quickly ran to the door and opened. "Y/n!!!!" He hugged me tightly. He looked so happy but his look went blank when he saw Namjoon by the corner

He slowly put me down . I saw the look Jimin was giving so I gently elbowed him "Be nice " I grunted through my teeth. He looked at me and smiled .

Namjoon walked up to us two " Hi my name is Namjoon , I'm Y/n's boyfriend " he smiled and put his hand out to shake. Jimin looked at him but then slowly shook his hand " Nice to meet you, Im Y/n's big brother " he squeezed Namjoons hand but he didn't even react.

Namjoon was way taller than Jimin. I giggle because of that . They both look at me "What so funny?" They looked confused."Bro you're so short compared to Namjoon" i burst out laughing .
Namjoon started to laugh again. Jimin looked at me with a scowl.

We walked to the living room and sat down . "I want to talk to Namjoon, may I ?" He looked at me signaling to leave . I nodded and went to the kitchen .
"So...." Jimin cleared his throat

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