nothing more than friends | angst + fluff (n.r.)

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Summary: Natasha continuously rejects your attempts at turning you friendship into something more. Why does it hurt Natasha so bad when she see's you with someone else?
'Hey Natty? Nat. Tasha. Nat. Tasha -'

'I swear if you say my name one more time,' Natasha warned, 'What's up Y/N/N?' Natasha turned to face you, giving you her full attention.

'Did you want to go grab coffee? I know a place,' You were hopeful. While you wouldn't say it outright you had feelings for your best friend. You were sure everyone knew it, even her. Let's just say you and subtle aren't very good friends.

'Can't you see I'm busy?' Natasha motioned towards the paperwork in front of her.

'I just thought you'd might like a break?' You said defensively. Normally Natasha would drop everything to spend time with you but ever since Clint made a joke about you and Natasha, she started to withdraw from you.

'I can't just take a break whenever I want like you can. People are counting on me,' A frown formed on your face. You just shook your head left Natasha's office.


Your spirits weren't crushed for long, the next day when you woke up you decided to cook breakfast for Natasha. You were in the middle of making her favourite when you saw Natasha step into the kitchen.

'Smell's delicious,' Natasha was in bliss at the smell of her favourite breakfast food being cooked.

'You want some?' You offered casually as if you hadn't made it just for her.

'I'm starving and you're making my favourite,' You noticed Natasha's eyes widen slightly when she said that, 'You're making my favourite. For me right?' You heard her whisper and you knew that Natasha had figured out your intentions.

'Would it be so bad if I was making your favourite. For you?'

'Actually I remembered I have plans with Clint for breakfast. Yep Clint's for breakfast,' Before you could say anything else Natasha had disappeared, you didn't see her the rest of the day.

Having lost your appetite you put the food away with a little note for Wanda. You knew she'd at least appreciate it.


You had come home from a long walk. You'd picked up a bunch of flowers from the sidewalk, even minor trespassing for some, that made you think of Natasha or thought she would like. You bounded happily into the compound, even happier when you ran into her straight out of the elevator.

'Natty! Here,' You held out the hand with the assortment of flowers towards Natasha. You saw a smile flash over Natasha's face. But it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

'Can't you take a hint?' Natasha scoffed and turned to walk away from you.

'I love you Natasha,' Your eyes widened. You didn't mean to say it but having her about to walk away again urged you to say it. Natasha quickly turned back to face you, her face was unreadable. You were nervous and had no idea how this was going to go.

'That's a bit childish Y/N,' Natasha left you standing in the hallway her words sinking in. Letting the hurt wash over you, your heart slowly breaking.


'Ugh,' You dramatically flopped down on Wanda's bed.

'Natasha again?' You and Wanda had become even closer than before.

'I just want things to go back to how they were. I miss Nat,' You laid on Wanda's bed letting all your past memories with Natasha flow through your mind. A few small tears escaping from the corners of your eyes.

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