i'll always be here | fluff (n.r.)

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'Nat stop, I'll get it for us. You just got back from your mission so you need to rest,' The last thing you remembered was Natasha's voice but it was muffled due to the ringing in your ears that suddenly occurred before darkness surrounded you.

'Y/N?' You instantly closed your eyes as you tried to slowly adjust to the light again. Your body felt heavy and your mind was foggy, 'You're okay, I was so worried,' You groaned as Natasha encompassed your body, holding you gently. Natasha was still worried due to how out of it you seemed. You were wearing shorts and Natasha noticed the way your legs were suddenly more red than they were before you had stood up.

Now wasn't the time to question you or start to run possible causes through her head. Right now she held you the rest of the night, making sure you were okay. Taking care of you as best as she could. In that moment Natasha knew that all you needed was her, no questions. You reassured Natasha that you were fine a few times, though you knew she wasn't convinced.

You had fainted a few times prior to the one in front of Natasha. Always managed to be in front of someone from the team, making up excuse after excuse so no one would become concerned enough to tell Natasha. You thought you could keep it to yourself without her finding out. But fainting had become a more common thing for you, and you were scared to find out what the cause was, a reason why you didn't want Natasha to find out. You knew she would make you take care of yourself and go to the doctors. While Natasha was comforting you, you were beating yourself up for letting her see you like that.

The next morning Natasha decided to let you sleep longer since you seemed to need it. Wanda found Natasha in the kitchen, offering to help her make breakfast after seeing the mess Natasha was already making. Wanda just envisioned the burning smell and smoke covering the kitchen if she didn't intervene.

'What's got you in the kitchen? It's not a special day for either of you, is it?' Wanda made conversation while helping make your favourite breakfast, she was sure it wasn't an important day, Wanda thought she had all important dates memorised by now.

'Just something nice for Y/N. They fainted last night and now that I think about it, they've been more tired recently too,' Natasha thought through the last week and a bit and recalled the amount of time you spent in bed recently, furrowing her eyebrows trying to think if that has anything to do with you fainting last night.

'Y/N fainted again?' Wanda's head whipped up towards Natasha, surprised you had fainted again.

'What do you mean again?'

'Oh the other day, Y/N fainted when they stood up from the table after breakfast. I was going to mention it but Y/N was adamant that it was a one time thing and that no one should fuss over it. I'm sorry Nat,' Wanda thought back to the other morning. You said it was from lack of sleep so no one thought anything of it and let you move on with your day.

'Don't be sorry you couldn't have known it would happen again,' Natasha reassured Wanda that she wasn't upset over not knowing. Though it would've been nice to know, Natasha understands that the team trusts you to tell them if something wasn't right.

'Now that I think of it, I overheard Steve talking to Tony about how Y/N hasn't made it through a full training session lately. Maybe that has something to do with it as well,' Natasha thanked Wanda and made her way to your shared room.

You smiled, waking up to lots of kisses all over your face. Kisses and pancakes was a perfect way to start the day. You convinced Natasha to watch a movie with you before both of your training sessions in the afternoon. You cuddled into Natasha, your mind focusing on the movie and trying to stay in bed so you wouldn't have to pretend to have the energy to make it through everything you had to do today.

'We should get up before we're late for training,' Natasha whispered trying not to startle you. She had decided to talk to you later about everything Wanda had told her, she wanted to watch you throughout the day to see if there was anything she had to urgently worry about, not that she wasn't already worried about you.

You sat on the edge of the bed, already feeling lightheaded just from sitting up. Natasha was quick to help you and lay you back down when you tried to stand, she noticed how unbalanced you were and didn't miss the alert that your watch gave you for your rapid increase in heart rate. Up to 40 beats per minute just from the action of standing up.

'I know this isn't what you want to hear but I think it's best to take you to the doctors,' Natasha hesitantly spat out, she knew you didn't like going to the doctors and that you haven't had the best experiences with them.

'Nat, don't be silly, I'm fine,' You tried to brush it off but stopped talking once you saw the look Natasha was giving you.

'Wanda told me last night wasn't the first time you fainted and she overheard Steve talking about how you haven't been able to make it through a full training session lately,' Natasha's eyes held nothing but concern and love for you. Natasha was afraid of losing you and it felt like she was close to it.

'I've just been so tired. It's like there's something weighing my body down, like I can't move it without feeling so hot and lightheaded. I can barely sit up without feeling that way,' You looked down, tears welling in your eyes thinking about all of your fears and concerns for your health, 'I'm scared Nat. I'm scared to find out what's causing it, what if it's something bad,' Natasha was quick to embrace you, whispering soothing words into your ears to help your mind focus on something other than your fears and worries.

'Whatever happens I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere, you'll always have me. Through your worst of days you can look to me for all the support you need. I love you too much to let you go through this alone,'

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