Search For Lonelisness #2

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Harry was awoken by soft kisses being peppered across the warm skin of his shoulder anda low groan fell from his mouth. Images of a girl flashed before his eyes and a lazy smile forced its way onto his face, happiness flooding through his entire body.
She was here.
Y/n's smooth fingertips were drawing over his tattoos and Harry took a deep breath, wanting to fill all his senses with her, all of what was her. His muscles relaxed beneath her soft toucheds and his heart thumbed heavinly full with emotion in his chest. Y/m had come back to him. Or maybe it was him who'd never left? Or...
Strange. She smelled differently than he remembered. And her hair was softer. In fact, now that he thought about it, the tender thouches he was recieving could in no wat be coming his y/n. Y/n hadn't ever drawn over his tattoos, but rather along them, touching his bare, uncovered skin rather than the inked one. It was onlt a faint difference, but the moment he started paying attention to it he couldn't ignore how drasrically wrong this felt.
His heart fell and his stomach knotted. There was still the same distance between y/n and him as there has been last night. And the day before. The week.
Harry rolled onto his side, succesfuly disconnecting the foreign girl's touch from his body without even looking at her and got to his feet so quickly his head felt dizzy.

"Breakfast?" his raspy voice muttered, but he was out of the bedroom before his visitor could complain about his unfriendly manners or give him a answetr to his question.


"Yes, Gem, I've aware of that." Harry rolled his eyes at his sister's lectures about how heś missed another family dinner and pressed the phone closer to his ear. "It mist have slipped my mind. M'sorry."

"You seem to have very little room in that mind of yours lately," his sisters remarked, "We've all seen what might be occupying all the space. How is you're new mysterious women doing?"

"S'no mystery," he replied slowly, "And s'not very serious."

She hummed, indicationg that she clearly didn't buy it. "Wen did you decide y/n was to be out of the picture?"

Harry huffed in annoyance. In moments like this he regretted ever bringing y/n around to meer his family. If he hadn't done that they surely wouldn't be bothering him about her anymore.

"I had my reasons so don't even start."

A loud, exxaggerated sigh was heard, yet she remained silent. Gemma knew her brother well enough to sense when it was best to leave him alone. She also knew when he'd spill what she wanted to hear without needing to be pushed.

"She was just... not right, you know?" he admitted.

"How so?"

Harry shrugged even though she couldn't see, his fingers nervously switched on the tap, allowing clear water into the sink. Switch on. Switch off.

"She couldn't accept my life", he explained, careful to choode his words wisely, "There were many little things she did which clearly showed how little she understood about my lifestyle and there were bigger ones. I once asked her to come to dinner with me and Kendall and she said no, not because of my past relations with her, but because she didn't want to get into a sitaution where she'd be filmed for a tv show. Or because there would have been too many paps around. Same went for any other time i wanted her to meer someone remotely famous and at some point all the arguments became too much. Is adapting to my standards really too much to ask? She couldn't just me to change for her or to not go out fot dinner every week anymore."

Silence. One that told him enough.

"What?" he asked annoyed.

"Why do you think i didn't come to that yacht you rented a couple of years ago?" Gemma giggled. "I met Kendall and she's actually quite lovely, but her presence mean a massive amount of cameras. So do all of your other friends. I've got sort of used to it over the years and still have it, so i can understand if a girl with even less experience feels frightened or intimidated by it. Just my opinion, little brother. Maybe you could have solved that issue by simply giving her more time."

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