Smelly Pillows

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Harry had his arm wrapped around her waist to ensure a tight hold while hers was slung around his shoulders for support. He didn't seem to mind or strugle bearing her weight, which she admired but also shamelessly enjoyed by wiggling around and pressing her open mouth to his neck in wet kisses. They made him squirm and giggle nervously, which delighted her and made her want to give him more.

"Y/n, please stop doing that," he muttered, feeling guilty for how much he enoyed having her this affectionate with him. She shouldn't do that. Not as his best and closest friend.

She giggled before leaning up to breathe against his ear. "Make me."

"Fucking hell."

It wasn't easy to think straight with her doing everything he always dreamed of her doing. But he was determined to somehow think straight and half carry his best friend as well as keep her from ducking a mark onto his skin. A very unmanly sound to a squeal fell from is mouth at the tickling sensation.
He had been reminded by everyone in his team that though they couldn't forbid him to have relations with people, he should make sure to not let his parthner leave any visible marks on him. It wouldn;'t look good on tour and with fans who could notice even the smallest spot on his smooth skin and them give their all to find out who it had been who'd managed to be that close to their favorite musician. A task that had been fairly easy for him, until now. Because since y/n could hear the heavy rhythm of his heart she knew just how much he liked feeling her gove him affection and the pink on his cheeks was enough of a sign, too.

"But i like kissing you," she breathed and nipped at his jaw.

Harry huffed with relief whe he finally spotted her apartment building, surprised that he'd managed to reach it in just under twentu minutes, even when his wasted girl was anything but helping him.

"Almost there, pet. Almost. C'mon."

Y/n allowed him to drag her into the lift and up to her home. His hand wrapped around her arm to keep her stead and she giggled uncontrollably when his hands patted down her jacket in search for her keys. Once victorious, Harry opened the door to the flat he was almost as familiar with as y/n by that point and quickly carried her to the counter in her kitchen, where he made her sit and drink two glasses of cold water.

"Bottom's up. Go on."

"Want to sit on the couch," y/n whined and reached out both arms to grasp his shoulders, succesfully dodging the glass he had refilled for a third time and was golding out for her to take, "Carry me there!"

Harry smirkled and stepped closer so she could wrap her hold around him. It was impossible not to smile at her words. But instead of following through with her request, Harry wanted as much water as possible to be in her system to hopefully soothe the hangover she would she would suffer from the next day. He lifted the glass some more.

"No. for one m'not your horse and-"

"More like my donkey," y/n giggled and took hold of the glass to choke down some of the clear liquid he was offering her.

"Donkey? Nice. Want to walk to your bed, then?"

"No!" her arms wrapped around him tighter, "No, no, no. You stay here, i'm sorry. A best friend can't leave a best friend when in need."

He smiled. "I suppose you're right. Even though you're mean to me."

"I'm sorry." She pouted.

Harry made her finish the glass, finally satisfied with how much she had managed to drink.

"Sweetheart, how about i put you to bed now, huh?"

"Hmm." She closed her eyes briefly to think, then nodded. "Probably."

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