Chapter 20

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-Y/n's POV-

The day of the making of Amortentia came.

We all settled at our tables as we wait for Professor Slughorn to give us the time to make it and give us the signal to begin.

"I will give you all 40 minutes to make it, then after, one of you and your partner will share what aroma you can smell on your Amortentia." He smiled. "Now, your time starts..." he said, looking at his pocket watch. "Now!"

We all started on fixing our books and ingredients.

"Wait, where are the rose thorns?" Michael asked.

"We must've used them all last night." I chuckled. "Don't worry I'll get some in the cupboard. Just check the ingredients if they're complete and start if they are." Then I went to the cupboard.

My eyes scanned through the glass jars with labels on them, finding the rose thorns we needed. Then found it at last. Only the problem is... it's on the top shelf.

I looked at Michael. I was about to ask for his help, but he was already starting on making the Potion, adding the first ingredient and stirring it.

I looked around the room and all chairs and stools were occupied.

I sighed and turned my head back to the cupboard, raising my heel and placing my hand on one of the shelves while my right hand is trying to reach the jar of Rose thorns.

I really wish I could be tall like my brother.

As my fingers touched the jar, I felt someone behind me, towering me with his masculine body, and reached over the jar of Rose thorns, giving it to me.

"Thank you..." My voice faded at the end as I turned around, seeing Draco looking down at me as the scent of Mint and cologne lingered up to my nose.

I thought it was Michael.

Of all the people, what does it have to be him? DRACO.

"Excuse me," I looked down, avoiding having eye contact with him and went back to Michael.

I feel myself burning up inside, recalling the kiss again. It's really hard to forget about it even if I wanted to bury it somewhere where I couldn't find it.

"You look flustered. Did something come up in your mind?" Michael grinned as he placed the moonstone inside the Cauldron.

"I'm alright. There's nothing in my mind." I chuckled awkwardly.

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎︎

40 minutes ended and we all managed to finish the potion on time.

"You're going to be the one who is sharing today, Michael, not me," I told Michael.

"It's alright, I understand you can't smell any aroma on it." He smiled.

"Alright, now that the time is up. I can clearly see all of you finished your potion just in time." Professor Slughorn exclaimed. "So, now on with the sharing."

Professor Slughorn began to walk on the group that was next to us, Milicent Bulstrode and Tracey Davis.

"So, who among you wanted to share?" He looked at them both.

Tracey raised her hand and Professor Slughorn allowed her to come forth. She took a sniff on the Amortentia and told Professor the aroma of the Person whom she is attracted to.

"Well done, Ms Davis. Well done." He cheered then moved along to the next table, us.

He asked the same question and Michael told him that he is the one going to share. So, he went forward, leaning closer to the cauldron and took a sniff of the Potion.

I noticed most of the girls leaned closer, looking at Michael.

I guessed that they are hoping that one of them is the lady Michael was attracted to.

"Tell us, Michael." Professor Slughorn smiled.

Michael leaned back and looked at Professor with a smile on his face.

"It smells sweet like lilacs, then there's a hint of vanilla. The aroma too smells like berries, parchments and pencil." Michael stated.

"Do I smell like Lilac?" I heard one of the girls' whisper.

"No," replied the other girl in a whispering way that almost made me chuckle.

I looked at Michael, wondering who the lady is.

"Very good, Michael." Professor Slughorn effused.

Table by table, one of the partners shared the details of the aroma that they smelt on the Potion. They are happy, yes. Mostly the girls. I even heard some of them saying that they'll confess to the person they are attracted to.

Then Professor Slughorn reached to the table of Theo and Draco.

Again, Professor asked the same question.

I expected Theo to come forward, but no, it was Draco who came forth.

He took a sniff of it and began to share about the aroma.

"She smells like fresh lilac that clings to the air with a touch of Vanilla and berries. She not only smells sweet, but she also has the scent of parchment and pencil."

He really stated the word "She".

Then there I realized that he and Michael smelt the same scent. Wait, are they both attracted to the same person? Was it PANSY???

Draco found my eyes and I looked away immediately.

I was surprised truly and I didn't expect that Michael is in love with the same person Draco loves. Now, I think that's why he stated last night that he couldn't have her.

Funny how I think it is.

I could imagine what the consequences will be when Michael has told his feelings towards the girl.

-Draco's POV-

Apparently, Michael and I have smelled the same aroma on the Amortentia.

I truly didn't expect to smell the same aroma, nor did I expect for him to smell the scent of Y/n.

So, Michael has truly taken an interest in Y/n, knowing that she's married to me, and his love for her cannot be done. It is forbidden. He knows that her feelings for her are forbidden.

"Hmm...You and Michael seems to be attracted to one girl." Professor Slughorn was amused. "But I pray that the two of you won't fight about it." He chuckled.

I looked at her again. She's still avoiding my eyes and she seems to be confused why Michael and I smelt the same scent in our potion.

Does she know she's the girl?

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