Chapter 39

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"How's fishing with your father?" I asked Michael whilst both of us are heading to our next class in the afternoon, DADA.

Michael had just arrived last night before supper has begun. He looked extremely happy upon his arrival.

"It was fun. My father fell from the boat though whilst trying to pull a big fish." He chuckled.

"Maybe, it wasn't a fish." I laughed.

As we entered the DADA Classroom, the tables and seats are placed on the corner and there's one large cabinet that has mirrors on it, standing in the front.

We wondered why the cabinet is moving, itself. Others thought maybe there are pixies or perhaps a dangerous creature. It frightened many of the students and maybe it just a few moments, something might burst out of it.

Professor Snape entered the classroom, but he didn't close all the windows, which was a bit odd of him since whenever we had a class with him, he would close it all.

He marched in front, behind him was the moving cabinet and his gazed upon us coldly.

"Some of you may think that the cabinet consists of magical creatures inside." Professor Snape said in his usual monotonous voice. "But you are wrong."

I noticed Ron, gulping down the lump on his throat.

"This is a Boggart Cabinet," he continued. "It shows what you fear the most. Now, before we begin, remember, when your fear appeared, point the wand on your boggart and say the banishing spell, 'Ridikkulus'. For example," he looked among the crowd and his eyes stopped towards Ron.

"Mr Weasley," he called.

Ron looked around and came forth with his lips trembling in fear while he was fiddling with his fingers.

"Stand in front of the cabinet," Professor requested.

Ron nodded, still frightened, and he stood in front of the cabinet.

The cabinet stopped moving. Its door slightly opened, revealing somehow or something black, hairy, and 8 looking like sticks. Then, it went outside.

It was a Spider, thrice as bigger than any of us.

Of course, Ron was too terrified to lift up his wand and cast the spell, Ridikkulus.

"Mr Weasley, haven't I said clearly earlier to point the wand at your boggart and cast the banishing spell," Professor told him.

"Ri...Ri...Ridikkulus," Ron stuttered, trying to put all his might to turn the Boggart into something, perhaps something funny, a spider wearing shoes.

A wide smile crept up unto his lips, amused by what he did while others laughed as he went back to his friends.

"Silence!" Professor snapped. "Who would want to come next?" He again looked among the students.

Many raised their hands, willing to take a try and wanting to know what they fear.

I stepped back and was stopped when I felt my back pressed unto someone tall. I flinched my head behind and notice the tall young man was no other than Draco, who is looking down at me.

I didn't even know or expected that he was just right behind me.

"Ms Auclair," I heard my name being called by the Professor.

My gaze turned back to Professor Snape, who is looking at me, telling me to come forth and try.

He must have felt or he must have seen that I didn't want to see my greatest fear.

I felt someone grab my hand from behind me, his cold bare hands with his cold silver rings, and pulled me a bit closer to him.

Draco didn't want me to go, for he knew that I am weak when it comes to my fears.

On the corner of my eyes, I could see Michael, looking at me with concern in his eyes. He turned his head back to Professor and spoke,

"Sir, I'll volunteer myself-"

"Mr Lestrange, I do not recall telling you to speak." Again, Professor said coldly, then his eyes turned back to me. "Ms Auclair." He called me once again.

Draco held a tighter grip on my hand, telling me to not go. He tried to pull me next to him and he took a step forward.

He wanted to switch places. He wanted to try instead of me, he wanted to do it for my sake, but...before he could take another step, I preceded him.

His eyes went a bit in shock as he saw me, walking past by him and went in front of the cabinet.

If I let him go, everyone will certainly suspect that there is some kind of relationship between us and everyone knows that Draco is with Pansy.

It's better to take the risk than to let the secret be revealed.

"Ready your wand, Ms Auclair." Professor Snape told and I nodded in reply.

The spider immediately formed into is not what I expected it to be. My parents and brother. But why would they be? They were never my greatest fear.

Curious I was whilst staring at my family, who were smiling at me. Then, the cabinet opened widely and only a pale hand appeared with a wand, pointing it at them.

Then, there I knew what it was or what will happen. It was the dream that I was afraid to happen. Witnessing their death in front of my very eyes.

But before the greenish light of the wand could even struck them, Michael rushed over and went in front of me, and the boggart immediately changed into his greatest fear which I failed to see, for he immediately pointed his wand at the boggart and cast the banishing spell.

-Draco's POV-

She got stuck up in her fear. She barely could lift up her wand and point it at her Boggart.

I knew what her boggart would be when her boggart transformed into her parents and brother.

It was her fear of losing both her parents and brother from the Dark Lord.

I was supposed to go and block her from seeing more of her fear, more of what is going to happen, but Michael walked faster than I and went in front of her as the boggart began to form his fear and immediately cast a banishing spell on it.

Michael's boggart was him and his parents, which I knew what would happen if he didn't immediately banish his boggart.

His boggart was him and his parents getting killed.

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