Day 1 - Grumpy Cat In A Fairy Tail

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"Nona, can you tell me a fairytale of your design?" A little girl named Reagan who had long onyx black and bluebell eyes asked her grandma with a big smile. The grandmother looked at her young granddaughter with love. The smile upon the grandmother looked as it did when she was only sixteen. Her bluebell eyes also still look that young and the grandmother name was Marinette.

"Of course my angel I will tell you a story. Now come get comfy as I begin to tell you the story." Marinette said her voice light and filled with happiness not giving away to how old she is. Reagan nodded and snuggled into her Nona's side with a smile. Looking at her grandmother she asked a question.

"Can you include a grumpy cat?" Reagan asked causing Marinette to look at her shocked before getting a knowing spark in her eyes.

"You found my old journal didn't you my little angel?" Marinette asked with a smile. Reagan nodded shocked that she didn't get reprimanded for it but smiles at her grandmother. "Yes I can do that my sweet angel." Marinette replied happy to see her curious nature was passed onto her granddaughter.

"Yay, thank you grandma!" Reagan squealed with a smile. Marinette laughed softly before she began.

"Deep within a forest. So deep that anyone who tried to locate it they would surely get lost. There was a well hidden portal. This portal lead to a world that no one could imagine. Here-" Marinette was cut off by her granddaughter but she didn't mind.

"Except for you Nona!" Reagan exclaimed with a smile. Marinette chuckled as she looked at her granddaughter.

"That is true angel your Nona does know. Anyways here in this world magic ran through from littlest grain of sand to the tallest mountain. Well except for water. For the oddest reason the water just couldn't hold magic within it. So it relied on it's small but beautiful magical pixies. The land world was full of magical beings who all had magic of their own. They lived on the land yet if they cut a tree down they would use their magic to help the stump grow back into a strong tree. Now a mother cat after teaching her kitten many things didn't want him anymore.

She threw him into the portal since she had stumbled upon it many years ago. When her kitten landed in this world he used what he taught to use. He wondered the world helping all that lived there.-" Marinette was interrupted again but she loved hearing her granddaughter thoughts.

"The kitten sounds like grandpa!" Reagan squealed looking at the picture of her grandparents on their wedding day. Marinette felt her heart clench at the mention of Damian. It had been a few months since his passing but it felt like it was only yesterday for her.

"That is true this kitten does sound like grandpa doesn't he angel?" Marinette said nuzzling her face into Reagan hair. Reagan giggled as she looked at her grandma. Who even though she was in her nineties be she looked as if she only sixty. But that didn't stop her from wanting to spend as much time as possible with her. "Anyways as the years passed the kitten became known as the grumpy cat. But when the magical beings interacted with him called him grumpy. But even though many treated him with kindness he felt alone. He believed he was the only one that felt that way. But little did he know was that he was wrong." Marinette said with a smile as she felt more of her and Damian's grandchildren snuggle with her and Reagan.

"Cause deep in this world there was a pond. There was a kind hearted pixie. She had midnight hair that reflected a gorgeous blue when hit with sunlight and her deep bluebell eyes. Her eyes stood out with her hair since she had pale skin. She wore blue that went well with her appearance."

"She was an outcast because how she thought everyone was equal and they didn't need to trade things for favors

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"She was an outcast because how she thought everyone was equal and they didn't need to trade things for favors. No one went to her for help and no one helped her. She was alone and even though her pond was the most beautiful in the world. And one day a jealous sprite of fire came after her. And by some miracle grumpy cat was passing through that area. He saw the sprite blasting fire balls at the pixies pond. He rushed to help but he was too late the pond had completely turned to steam. The pixie was at the bottom of the now empty pond weak and she was crying." Marinette felt a rug on her sleeve so she looked down. She felt tears seeing her grandson who was the spitting image of her late husband Damian Wayne.

"Nona, can I sit on your lap?" He asked with his big emerald jade eyes. They sparkles with wonder and life something she only saw in her husband eyes when they were alone.

"Of course Damian." She whispered as she picked her grandson up on her lap with a smile. She loved how he was named after her late husband and her father. But it brought s weight of sadness at the reminder of their passing. "So when grumpy cat saw this he fought the sprite off until she flew off taking her flames with her. He jumped down nudged the pixie who now had no home. The pixie was lost and had no idea what she would do now that her home was gone. The grumpy cat knowing how it felt for your home to be taken away and so he offered for her to travel with him helping all the beings who lived in the world. And they did this for the rest of their lives. They were renowned all through out the world respected full times the end." Marinette finished. She looked around and saw that she was surrounded by her sleeping grandchildren bringing warmth to her heart. She couldn't be happier at that moment. But one thing Marinette longer for was to be held in her husband arms again. To be able to see Damian again. But she knew he was looking down at her with love and pride at their family.

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