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Chapter 53: Strong

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It's been two years since finding out I was pregnant, since Levi and I got married. Now, we had a baby boy who was nearly two and a handful. Levi told me that he and Hanji were trying to gain allies that would protect us against Marley and even other countries beyond our island. Kiyomi Azumabito was one person they were trying to persuade. She was from a country called Hizuru which was to the east.

I didn't pay much attention now that I was caring for a child and taking care of the farm. Levi did as much as he could with his time off when he had it. At the moment I was watching our son eat making sure he wouldn't choke on his food while waiting for Levi to return home. Having a baby did change a lot of things, but there was plenty that remained the same. With a napkin, I gently wipe at (C/N)'s* face cleaning off the food around his mouth. *(C/N) = (Child/Name)

Hearing the door open I turn my head finding Levi walking in, he swiped at his forehead ridding of the sweat. It was a warm day so warm I had to open all the windows and let the animals out. Standing up from the chair I turn to him greeting him with a soft kiss. He sits down and gets himself a glass of water.

"How did it go? Did you talk to them?" I ask.

He nods his head. "Eren isn't pleased with using Historia, I can't say I like it either," he says.

"I wouldn't blame him, I mean I wouldn't want a friend going through something like that- hell I wouldn't want to be in Historia's shoes having to sacrifice her children just so we can survive, all because you come from a long bloodline like hers," I tell him.

He nods his head and lets out a sigh. "Have you eaten anything?" he asks.

I shook my head, I was too busy taking care of (C/N) and dealing with the animals today that I didn't have time. Luckily Flegel has been kind enough to send some people to help here and there but today was one of those days where I was alone. He stood up and turned back to the kitchen, standing up I wanted to help. "Sit your ass down," he orders.

He knew I wouldn't listen so he turned to make sure I had done so and when he found me standing there still he points down. With a sigh I plop back down in my chair, minutes passed before he turned with a small plate of food for the both of us. Leaning forward I start to eat while watching over (C/N). "You need to make sure you're taking care of yourself. There will be times I won't be here and I can't worry about you not eating or bathing for that matter," he says.

"I know, it's just (C/N) has been so needy lately. And the animals-"

"I know, and if I have to we can get someone to help out around here so you're not working yourself to death," he says.

I let out a sigh and lean back in my seat. "Things were so much easier back then. I mean I love (C/N) and everything..." I trail off as I watch our son play with his food.

"I know. I would take more time off to help-"

"I already told you no. Hanji needs you, and so does your squad." I tell him.

He chuckles at my response, after finishing his food he came back to the table and grabbed (C/N). "Come on little man, time for a bath," he says. Smiling I watch as Levi walks away, he comes around the table and kisses the top of my head.

"You finish up, then go take a nap you deserve it," he mutters.

With a sigh, I watch as he takes (C/N) to the other bathroom by his room. Sitting there I look back at my plate and slowly start eating again until I finished. Afterward, I joined Levi in the bathroom to help him clean our son. Even though he told me to rest, I wasn't tired yet. Glancing back at me, he lets out a long sigh before looking back at (C/N). Kneeling against the tub I help wash him by gently pouring water on his back. Letting out a sigh I rest my head on the edge of the tub.

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