I K N O W I' M N O T T H E O N L Y O N E

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Two weeks later:

A couple weeks had surpass since Destiny and Kross found out about the news of the unexpected pregnancy. Both of them experienced a wave of emotions. Destiny was still confused, yet amazed that she had been chosen for motherhood for a second time. Although she pictured children in her future, she didn't expect it to come so soon— however, motherhood was one of her greatest accomplishments yet.

Meanwhile, Kross on the other hand, was overly excited. It was no secret that he wanted a big family and he made a promise to himself to be the best father he could to his children. "Damn. I can't believe you're that far along." He held the sonograms up in his hand. "You?! You should've seen my face when the doctor said thirteen weeks." Destiny shook her head, still in slight disbelief.

"I'm sorry again that I wasn't able to be there with you." Kross sounded disappointed as he tucked one of the photos away in his wallet. "Stop apologizing. You had an important meeting that couldn't be missed, I understand that and I'm not mad at you for it." Destiny explained. She could understand why her husband was beating himself up about the appointment; he was extremely passionate about fatherhood, every little detail mattered to him.

"I'll be at the next one though." He smirked, placing his palm on her stomach. Destiny was thankful in the moment, not only for Kross, but also the phenomenal husband and father he is. She often caught herself wondering how she got so lucky; especially since when she and Kross first met how inconvenient of a time it was. Destiny cleared her throat after realizing she had zoned out.

"So, I got a call from Dee yesterday afternoon." She went on to say. "What she say?" Kross asked. "She asked if I could come and say goodbye to our mother." Destiny's voice was flat and her face held no expression. "What was your response to that?" Kross was concerned. "I'm thirsty. Are you thirsty? Do you want a bottle of water?" She walked over to the refrigerator. Kross reached for her wrist instead of the water bottle she attempted to hand him, "Why you brush my question off like that?" He stared into her eyes.

There was a long pause while he awaited a reply from his wife. Her eyes went from the egress windows to his eyes each minute that passed. "I, I" her eyes were pooling with tears for the first time since hearing what Deedra had discussed over the phone. "I'm scared." Her voice cracked. Kross used the wrist he still held onto to pull her in closer to him. He listened to her sob into his chest while running his hands up and down her back.

The sobs eventually turned into quiet cries before Destiny lifted her face from his chest. "I'm scared, Kross." She repeated. "Not scared because I know she's dying," There was another pause in the conversation, "I'm scared because I know this, yet I don't feel a damn way about it." Tears continued rolling down her face. Kross was in shock and didn't know how to respond for the first time.

He was well aware of his wife's feelings when it came to Trina— however, he didn't think the news of her mothers last days wouldn't have affected her in any kind of way. "I got you... forever." He spoke into her ear. Destiny was numb when it came to the topic of her mother, even-so, she wished things could've been different— still, she knew all-too well what it was like dealing with an addict who refused to change.

"I don't want you crying or stressing over this though. I know it's a lot, but you're pregnant and don't need to be working up yourself." Kross continued to console her body. Destiny knew he was right. When she was pregnant with Kaleb there were a series of events that played apart in her early delivery. She refused to let her second time around be a repeat of the first. "I won't overthink myself into stress, babe. In fact, I have an appointment with Dr. Carina later on this week." She made sure to include.

The time Destiny spent working with her therapist was something she could brag about. Though it was only a month in, the change in her attitude and behavior were noticed amongst her close friends and relatives. She felt wonderful having successfully recommitting to therapy. Kross placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "No more sad talk." He wanted to shift gears on the topic. "How's stuff at work?" He asked.

"Fashion week is approaching and I'm high key nervous as fuck, especially since I'm pregnant now." Destiny bit down on the corner of her bottom lip. Kross scratched the back of his neck, "You know I don't really care for all that fashion world shit, but I can tell you that you're going to kill the runways and you're the most stunning woman I know." He was always there to reassure his wife whenever necessary.

Destiny was a fairly confident person, but she couldn't help but think people would take notice to her small pudge and begin assuming it was weight gain. "I know, but I also know how mean the media and outsiders can be." Her shoulders went up then down. "Then tune all their asses out." Kross suggested.

"Easier said than done." She sighed. A few minutes later, the doorbell went off rapidly. Kross slipped out the kitchen and over to the security system to see who was outside their home. Neither one of them were expecting a visitor. "Babe, it's for you." Kross could see Kayla in front the camera. "Who is it?" Destiny's face held a puzzled expression while she walked over to where Kross stood.

"Kayla." He simply replied, allowing her to answer the door. "Hey, Kay." Destiny swung the door open, greeting her friend. Her eyes quickly knitted together when she took notice to the blood running from Kayla's nose. "Sorry for just showing up without a call or text." Kayla's voice was brittle. "Come in." Destiny stepped to the side in a hurry. "What's going on?" She questioned.

"Tobias and I had another fight. This time shit got physical." Kayla shook her head in disappointment. Destiny exhaled heavily. Kayla had briefly told her about the relationship she had with her daughter's father, but she didn't explain the depths of whatever it is they have going on. "I'll go get you some ice and stuff to clean up, please sit and get yourself together." Destiny sympathized for her friend.

"She good?" Kross watched his wife walk into one of the closets. "I don't even know." She grabbed a first aid kit and some new washcloths. "Handle what you gotta handle then." He pecked her lips before allowing her to attend to the crisis. "How did this happen?" Destiny handed Kayla a ziplock bag with ice. Kayla's shoulders went up then down as cleaned the blood from her nose, shaking her head. "I told him I wanted out of the relationship. I don't want to keep projecting toxicity around our girls." A single tear rolled down her pale cheek.

"So, let me get this correct, he literally put hands on you because you chose peace over the bullshit?" Destiny was disgusted. "I'm no saint." Kayla looked down at the chamira handmade tufted ivory colored rug underneath her feet. "Kay, hell no! There's no but's when things get physical, especially at the hands of your significant other. I'm not about to sit here and listen to you try to justify him doing what he did to you. Hell-the-fuck-no." Destiny stopped Kayla from dropping the victim card in his deck. She had already lost a best friend to a dysfunctional relationship; she couldn't standby and let the same thing happen to Kayla.

"I know I'm going to sound crazy, but it's the fact that I know that whatever he does to me... I'll always love him." Kayla's voice was tremulous this time around. The relationship with Tobias felt like her everything— making it super difficult to leave. Kayla  figured having an unhealthy relationship was better than no relationship at all.

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Authors note: Y'all tell me why I legit been typing this chapter all day and still don't like it 🥴😂 I hope y'all enjoyed it though. Leave your thoughts—as they're always appreciated.
Xoxo, Dom 💋

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