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Kross walked into the bar, greeting Chance, Mario and Kyrie. Although the bar was closed, the owner is good friends with Kross's dad and allowed the boys to talk over some late night drinks. "What's up, why you called us out here so damn late?" Chance asked. Kross took a sip of his Hennessy before placing his glass back on the coaster. "I called y'all asses here to tell y'all who shot me." Kross informed, taking a dramatic pause.

"You can say it any day now nigga." Mario spoke, growing inpatient. "Some clown ass nigga Destiny used to mess with." Kross said. Chance, Mario, and Kyrie all had the same stupid look on they're faces. "Time out. You telling me that some goofy ass nigga almost killed you over pussy?" Kyrie questioned. Kross nodded. "Well, where that nigga live at?" Chance asked, revealing the gun in his waistband.

It was no secret that Chance is about that life. Once upon a time; he worked for Kross's dad, selling and trading guns and drugs. He was introduced to the lifestyle of drugs and violence at at very young age. He's been to jail on several charges, one of which resulted in him spending five-years in federal prison.
"You know better than that, fool." Mario mugged Chance. "Fuck all that shit." Chance responded, "That nigga violated boundaries, all bets is off the table." He reminded his friends.

Kross listened to his friends go back and forth on how to handle the situation, but it wasn't they're call to make. "Ima handle this shit... my way." He said, cutting Chance off which stopped him from going back and forth with Mario. He knew it was bound to result in an argument soon. "KJ, you got shit to lose." Kyrie reasoned. "I know." Kross sighed.

"Exactly. Let us handle that mother-fucker!" Chance continued being his usual hot-headed self. Kross shook his head. His father, Jamal, always taught him to handle his business like a man. Whether it's pertaining to money, women, or his life; always handle your shit like a grown man. If you handle situations like a man, you'll never need anyone to clean up your mess. Kross lived by this.

"Nah, I got it." He told his friends. This was his final decision. "What about Destiny, the baby?" Kyrie tried talking his friend down. He was the one who often thought logical; apart from KJ. "What about them? They good." Kross looked across the table at his his friends. "Yeah, and if something go wrong they won't be." Kyrie was still attempting to talk some sense into Kross. "At the end of the day, we brothers. We look out for each other." Mario chimed in, slamming his fist on the round table.

"All we tryna say is, let us help you execute this shit." Chance added. Kross knew they wouldn't drop this, so he shook his head, taking his three brothers up on they're offer to help. "Ky, Ima need you to find out all the information you can on this Quan nigga." Kross looked directly at Kyrie. He was computer smart and known for getting any information someone needed to know. "On it." Kyrie nodded.
"Mario, I need you to do what you do best— watch that nigga. I wanna know his every move and when he makes it."

Mario nodded, familiar with the role he often played. Mario were like the eyes and ears of any situation without being seen or suspected. "Chance,"
Kross paused, turning to face his best friend. "I don't need you doing no crazy shit. When the time is right, we'll get that nigga." He made direct eye contact while speaking. Chance sniffled, running his finger across his nose. "Understood." He replied though he badly wanted to take care of the situation now, on his own.

"Appreciate y'all. Ima get up with everybody later though." Kross assured, standing to his feet. He finished the remaining Hennessy in his glass, placing a twenty dollar bill on the table. They dapped each other up before leaving the bar, going they're separate ways. When Kross made it home; it was two o'clock in the morning. He took a deep breath, placing his key into the key hole then turning the lock.

He dropped his keys on the coffee table before walking up the stairs. His first stop was Kaleb's nursery. When he walked into the room, Kaleb was sound asleep peacefully in his crib. Kross smirked, looking down at his son. He was still amazed that he and Destiny created such a cute little guy. Being a father motivated Kross a hundred percent.

He secretly started up a trust fund in the honor of his son. He wanted to ensure that if something were to happen to either him or Destiny, their son would be stable. Kross leaned in, kissing Kaleb's forehead. He walked out the nursery, heading down the hallway to the master bedroom. He looked over, seeing Destiny fast asleep with the baby monitor on her chest.

He lightly chuckled, tip-toeing over to the bed. He removed the baby monitor from her chest without waking her and sat it on the nightstand beside their bed. He got on one knee, staring at Destiny as she slept. Using his right hand, he gently touched her face that somehow managed to still glow in the pitch dark.

There's no doubt in his mind that Destiny is the one for him. He knew he had to have her the minute he locked eyes with her. Her being the mother of his child definitely was the cherry on the of the cake. Destiny began turning in her sleep when her eyes fluttered open. Startled by Kross's frame in the dark, she gasped. "You scared me." She shot her head up from the pillow, holding her chest.

"I'm sorry. You just looked so... peaceful. I didn't want to wake you or nothing." He faintly smiled. She could smell the liquor on his breath, "You alright?" She asked. "I'm more than alright, I'm content." He looked deeply into her eyes, wrapping his hands around her small waist. Destiny didn't look a month postpartum. Kross always commended her on her amazing snapback. "Then come to bed." She tugged at his jeans. "You just want some dick." He laughed.

"And I wanna cuddle too." Destiny giggled, trying to play it off. Although Doctor Murphy told her it was safe to have sex at six-weeks, she waited a while longer before attempting any sexual activity.
"Alright." He smirked, "Let me shower first." Kross kissed the bridge of her nose. She nodded, watching him get undressed. Kross stripped out his t-shirt and jeans before entering the bathroom.

Destiny sat in bed on her phone while she waited for Kross to get out the shower. When she heard a loud bang she quickly jumped out of bed, walking over to the bathroom door. "KJ, you okay?" She knocked on the door, waiting for a response. When he didn't answer, she stormed through the door. Kross stood in front the sink, holding his hand up.

She looked down at the floor, seeing some pills had fallen from the bottle. "What happened?" She asked, getting on her knees to pick the tiny blue pills up.
"I went to take my meds and I... my hand just went numb." Kross stated, moving his fingers around.
"Has it been hurting?" Destiny questioned.
"No, not really." He said. "Don't lie to me." She mugged him. "A lil'." He answered honestly this time.

"Doctor Allison warned you about this." Destiny stressed, "She told you that if you didn't follow up with your physical therapy, this would happen." She shook her head. "I wasn't feeling that physical therapy shit." Kross scrunched up his face, moving his hand around more as he regained feelings.
"It's not about what you're"feeling", it's about what helps." Destiny told him, slightly annoyed.

"Alright, alright. I'll call Doctor Allison in the morning." Kross couldn't fight his way around a caring significant other. "Thank you." Destiny rolled her eyes. "Does this mean I don't get none?" He asked. "Nope! You should of thought about this before neglecting something this important." She laughed. Kross sighed, watching as she walked out of the bathroom. He shook his head in frustration.

He was never one to play about his health, but him being shot did effect him negatively; though he tried not to show it. It made him fall of the wagon— not mentally, but rather physically. He neglected physical therapy. He put business deals and offers on hold. He wasn't spending as much time as he should be with his family. Things were being put into perspective for Kross. This was his reality check.

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