Part 151

403 22 7

Y/N had departed Menagerie for reasons unknown to Raven, but that sour thought alone stuck to her.

She began the morning just like any other. Since she was the only one that remained of her tribe, she had a lot of free time.

She considered going right to him, but even that seemed like too much, even if he forgave her.

So, she started off getting freshened up, preparing for a long trip to Anima.

While she walked to the early morning landing pad, she had time to think, reflect.

It wasn't anything good, it hasn't since that day. He couldn't leave her head, and not in the good way when they were kids.

It was either the horrifying image of his slaughter, or the terrible image of his face and the pleading words that left his mouth.

A mild throbbing of pain washed over her shoulder, a reaction to the cold air and still present scars beneath her crimson clothing.

She winced at the tightness in the joint, and the overall memory of his sword, searing her flesh and the inside of her shoulder bone.

It was a constant reminder of her plunder, yet, it was also an awakening.

She had been lost pursuing power, blinded, as she told herself just about every day that it was for the better good or for the defeat of Salem.

It was reckless, stupid. How could she tell herself she was doing it for the better good, when she was set on the thought of Salem being unbeatable?

The throbbing pain had stopped once she sat within the warm confines of a Bullhead, but it was always there, permanently marking her day of failure.

Running her fingers through her hair, she began to stare out the wide windows and into the vast sea.

There were no words from - admittedly - criminals, or their rowdy scuffles. It was her and her goals, which was something she once thought to honestly pursue.

It made her release a heavy sigh. A lack of sleep and the gentle bumps and soothing hum of the Bullhead hit her with a minor spell of exhaustion.

The flight to Anima would be short, but it was undoubtedly going to be this same thing, looping over and over again.

As she let her eyes rest with a hand near her sword, she felt the immeasurable responsibility she set on herself.

The goal to keep someone safe was never really part of her plan, let alone something she'd think to do when in Beacon. But if her time there taught her one thing, it was the ins and outs of anyone's biology, that knowledge alone was sufficient enough for her to pursue redemption, and strength through another means.

By defeating her past mistakes and learning from them, she was sure to come out the other side, dead, or finally at peace with her terrible decisions.


Just on the other end of Menagerie, Sienna had awoken to an empty home. Or at least, it felt empty.

There was something disheartening about it. She knew Y/N was coming back, but it couldn't really be helped when it all felt like a dream.

The bed carried his scent, yet he wasn't anywhere to be found. It was also cold, all because he would usually be the one to wake up and start the now dead fire.

She let out a wistful sigh as she sat on the couch. She didn't really feel like starting a fire right now, so she relied on her aura to keep her warm.

There was never really a reason to turn on the lights when she was home, the same could be said for Y/N, but he always chose to do just that.

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