Chapter 33.

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Mira opened her eyes slowly, her whole body feeling heavy to her, she saw Steve staring at her.
"Your dad just went to sleep," Steve said casually, standing up he poured the water into the glass from the side table "Everyone is fine by the way if you want to ask that," he said she slowly sat up he handed her the glass of water they heard footsteps coming near to them.
"oh! Dear, you wake up" A woman wearing Madam Pomfrey-type cloth rushed to her, checking her veins and heartbeats, and doing some check-ups with her wand, Mira again just lay down on the bed looking at her then a few more doctors arrived there.
"How are you feeling, dear,?" a doctor around forty years old man asked her "Did something hurt?"
Mira looked at the doctor and said just one thing in a low voice "Body"

After 30 minutes,

Docter let Kevin and Steve enter again the room after some more check-ups, his father looked at her and sign in relief sitting next to her on the bed, she hold his hand, and Steve sat on the chair next to them.
"I was soo scared," Kevin told her in a low voice "If something happened to you..., Huh I do t want to think about that"
"Dad I am alright, don't worry," Mira said with a smile.
"Didn't I tell you she will be alright," Steve said looking into Kevin's eyes.
Mira looked at Steve and said "I did exactly what you told me to do not accurately but still"
Steve smiled "But still Voldemort returned, with the help of Harry's blood and you didn't kill Wormtail also if you have the chance just take them" Looking at her face but not with seriousness, he looked firm and calm.
"Okay, I didn't kill Wormtail but how did he get Harry's blood?"
"You left plenty of Harry blood in the graveyard"
Mira sighed "You didn't expect me to clean his blood from everywhere" Mira rolled her eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey...can we talk about that later," Kevin said glancing between them "She just woke up"
"Alright, whatever you say, Your Highness," Steve said while rolling his eyes.
"Your Highness?" Mira looked at Steve
"By the way, you spend your whole month here, sleeping" Steve declared with a smile

Next day,
Dumbledore came to visit her in the hospital after getting the news that she woke up holding his usual smile "You kn- he began but Mira cut off his sentence and said "Voldemort is returned," he took the empty chair and sat near her bed.
"He is returned indeed, by the way, thanks for saving the champions," Dumbledore said to her "and Barty crouch was taken moody place in the school and put your name in the goblet"
"How are others?" Mira asked him with concern.
"Good, waiting for you, even Fleur didn't leave yet," Dumbledore told her "She worrying about you, so come to school before the end of that year"
"I will try," Mira with a smile "Is Professor Snape alright?"
"Hmm!... He is fine," Dumbledore replied "but you know the ministry didn't believe that Voldemort returned not completely there are debates about that, but they believe Harry completely that Wormtail is alive"
"Hmm!" Mira looked at the ceiling of the hospital 'so nothing much has changed after all the ministry still doing the same' she thought "I am not sure if I will attend the last day of Hogwarts".

In the Hogwarts:-
Hermione Harry and Ron walking in the forest and near the lack they saw
Draco and Cedric were standing near it, throwing stones in the water, while Fleur stood near the tree with a book in her hand, eyes trained on Cedric and Draco. She heard their steps and turned, a gentle smile on her face.
"Com', join us," Fleur said in her accent.
Cedric and Draco also looked at them. "How are you?" Cedric asked Harry.
"Fine," Harry replied.
"Tomorrow is the last day before the holiday," Cedric said, looking at Harry. "Mira is still in the hospital".
Hermione glanced at Draco's face and saw his dull eyes. She knew he hadn't slept well for many nights. Cedric, Fleur, and Harry all had the same look in their eyes, they were all so worried about Mira.
Draco noticed Hermione's gaze on him, and he quickly turned his head away.
After the end of the tournament, one month went very quiet, everyone still talking about what happened that day, but nobody asks them questions or them to tell the story of what had happened in the maze. Most people, she noticed, were skirting them in the corridors, avoiding their eyes. Some whispered behind their hands as they passed. and Draco didn't say anything insulting to Harry even though he didn't talk with many people, sometimes he spend his time with Cedric but still not a lot of his time.

Ron cleared his throat and declared, "Let's go to the hospital and visit Mira", "We should go to meet her" Hermione said "after school" but Cedric said no, as it was forbidden to visit her.
Fleur put her hand on Cedric's shoulder and said, "I'm sure Mira will be alright, the doctors are taking great care of her," and reassuringly smiled at them.
"One month passed, my dad just said she is fine but didn't wake up yet," Cedric told them with a sad face.
Ron looked at them and said "My dad said that when she woke up you all have to go to the ministry for a trial to explain what happens there"
"Yeah, the headmistress also told me about that," Fleur said with a sigh "I hope she wakes up soon"
Hermione, Harry, Ron, Cedric, and Draco all knew that Fleur was right, and there was nothing else to do other than wait and pray for Mira to get well soon.

In Mira home
As she returned to her home, she noticed that the decoration had changed, and even her room looked different from the last time she was there. She was confused and overwhelmed, but before she could ask any questions, her father called from the doorway, "I'm making lunch. Change and come downstairs." Mira nodded and her father left the room. She flopped on her bed and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath of the new, relaxing environment. After a few minutes of lying there, she got up and changed out of her clothes into a comfortable pair of pajamas. She then went downstairs to the kitchen and She was never expecting to see her father smiling at anyone, let alone a guy like Steve 'He was handsome, I had to admit, he was attractive, full of confidence,' she thought.
"Is lunch ready?" She asked, approaching them.
Her father and Steve turned to her. Steve smiled and said, "Yes, it should be ready soon." Kevin went toward the stove and Steve went after him almost hugging him from behind he peeked at the curry.
She couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to it. Was her father into guys too? It wasn't impossible, after all. The two men were almost the same age, and her father was in good shape for his age. Even comparing their body builds, her father was more muscular than Steve'.
She didn't know what to think. All she knew was that something had changed when she wasn't around. Kevin then suggested they all sit down for lunch. Kevin arranged the dining table with Steve.
"lunch is ready, dear" Her dad went to the kitchen counter, and Steve sat on the chair in front of her,
"Why are you not crow anymore?" Mira asked looking at Steve.
"I do what I wish, dear," Steve said with a smirk "By the way are you going to Hogwarts for the last day of this year," Kevin asked when he sat down on his chair.
"Nah, we are going to meet in the ministry, so no need to attend the last day at school," she replied, her dad serving lunch on her plate, and putting it in front of her.
"She is right," Steve said taking a bite, "she has to go to the ministry for trial and they are going to come there"

She was excited to go and see a grand court and experience the justice system at work. "Will it be like in those detective movies?" She said with a sparkle in her eyes. Her dad chuckled and said, "No dear, it won't be like a movie, you will actually be inside a courtroom,". This made Mira more excited and she eagerly started eating her lunch.
Steve finished lunch first and stood up, leaning closer to Mira he whispered, "Don't get too excited, things don't always end happily in stories like these." Mira was a little taken aback as Steve walked away with his empty plate toward the sink.

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