Chapter 52

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The snow was coming down heavily, making it difficult for anyone to see anything more than a few feet in front of them. Mira trudged through the thick white blanket, her hair and clothes becoming drenched in the icy rain. She had been sent on a mission by Dumbledore, a mission.

As she climbed higher and higher, the wind began to pick up, howling in her ears and making it even more difficult to see. But Mira was determined, determined to fulfil her duty and bring back for whatever it was Dumbledore needed. She reached the mouth of a cave and cautiously stepped inside.

The darkness inside the cave was almost suffocating, the only light coming from the flickering spells Mira had cast to guide her way. She could feel a presence in the shadows, a faint breathing that sent a chill down her spine. But she pushed on, her hand tightly gripping her wand as she moved further into the depths of the cave.

Finally, she spotted it. A pair of glowing green eyes in the darkness, locked on her and watching her every move. She cautiously approached, her heart racing as she realized that the eyes belonged to an invisible dragon.
The dragon was much smaller than she expected, no bigger than a cat, but its magic was strong and it could turn invisible at will she thought because description that Dumbledore gave her was similar. Mira reached out a hand, her fingers trembling as she tried to touch the invisible scales. Suddenly, the dragon let out a loud screech, causing her to jump back in surprise.
Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the cave causing her to freeze in her tracks. She had never heard anything quite like it before. It was a mix of danger and curiosity, sending chills down her spine.

Mira cautiously followed the sound, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. As she got closer, she noticed a slight shimmer in the air, as if something was moving in front of her but it was invisible. Her mind raced with different possibilities, but she knew that she had to keep moving forward.

As she approached the source of the sound, she couldn't believe her eyes. Standing before her was an enormous, invisible dragon she felt that. Its powerful wings beat against the wind, creating a gust that nearly knocked Mira off her feet.

The dragon let out another deafening roar, and Mira could now see the breathe coming from its mouth as white smoke blending in with the snow and creating an eerie glow in the darkness. Despite its fearsome appearance,
Taking a deep breath, she slowly approached the dragon,
She carefully reached out to touch it, hoping it was the spot she needed to collect the hair from. To her surprise, the dragon remained calm as she gently touch it. , her hand made contact with its soft, invisible scales.
Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her back. Startled,
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" scolded a familiar voice. It was Steve, who had no idea about her mission. "Just because something seems calm, doesn't mean it is. How could you be so reckless?"
She looked at him with a mixture of fear and guilt, knowing that he was right. "I'm sorry, I thought the dragon was calm now," she mumbled.

Steve waved his hand, and she everything got quiet around her. "I'll retrieve the hair, you stay here," he instructed

Mira stepped back and watched as Steve carefully cut some strands of hair from the dragon's body that she imagined looking at his hands motions.

"You can't even see its expression, so why would you touch it? Use your head, girl. Imagine if you had actually fed yourself to it," he sighed, shaking his head.

He then muttered something under his breath. "I can't believe Dumbledore. He doesn't care if someone lives or dies. And you, I sent you to complete a simple task and you almost got yourself killed," he scolded.

"I'm sorry," she repeated, feeling ashamed of her actions.

"And your dad is going to kill me when he finds out," Steve added, worry evident in his tone.

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