|| Order Of The Phoenix || Chapter 37

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It had been a month since Mira had lived with her dad and his Steve, and things had gone surprisingly smoothly.

She noticed that Steve was an odd one. His mysterious and eccentric demeanor made it hard for anyone to understand him. He was always dressed in black clothes and his ego and pride was larger than life. He was like a royal prince. using his incredible magic, he created a protection potion. He placed a small bottle of pink and red glowing liquid in every window of the home. When he said it was for their protection, he looked serious and dangerous.
Although Steve acted like an emotionless being, his presence made the home feel more secure. He always stuck to the her's side when they went out as if he were a protective guardian. At times he would talk and act like an emotionless and cruel man, but if you looked closely, he had a hidden kindness that he rarely showed.
People would give them weird looks when the three stood close to each other talking and laughing, but they paid no attention to them. Steve was too busy in his own world, while Kevin was the same as ever: caring and responsible.


Mira was standing in the middle of the strange place surrounded by tall trees and a nearly full moon gleaming in the night sky, trying to focus on the task at hand. Steve stood opposite her, his eyes blazing and arms crossed as he watched her closely. Mira braced herself as she heard Steve barking out instructions.

"Focus your wand on the target in front of you. Now use your best defensive spell--you know what it is--and don't be sloppy."

Mira was trying her hardest. She felt exhausted and her concentration was beginning to fade. She had been at it for hours and she was growing increasingly frustrated.
Steve wasn't going to let up. He kept pushing her to her limits, relentlessly demanding better results. His wrath was intimidating and fear crept into the air around her, like the tide of a stormy sea.
Finally, Mira managed to summons enough strength to cast the spell.
"Again" Steve said with unimpressed face "give me more Mira you not going anywhere with your weak spell and low efforts"

Mira felt like she was going to be crushed by every strike of Steve's wand. He had taken her through all the spells she had known and was demanding she do them quicker and with more accuracy. She was tired and her arm ached from trying to block Steve's spells with her own. She was sweating, her heart pounding, her breath coming in short bursts. The frustration of not being able to keep up was evident on her face.
"Come on, you can do better than that, Mira!" Steve snapped. He increased the intensity of the spell work he was throwing at her, powerful jinxes and hexes that knocked her off her feet and drove her across the room. Mira was barely able to raise her wand in order to block.
But no matter how hard Mira tried and how much effort she put into the training session, Steve just wasn't satisfied. He demanded more and more from her, pushing her to the point of exhaustion.
Finally, the session was over, and Mira lay on the floor, too exhausted to move. She had given it her all and yet it had still not been enough to please Steve.
"You can do better," he said sternly, his cold eyes locking with Mira's. "We'll have to keep training harder until it is."
Mira nodded weakly, her arms and legs trembling. Deep down, she knew Steve was right and she knew they had to train harder if she were to protect herself and others. She closed her eyes then, too tired to do anymore, and hoped the next training session wouldn't be so brutal.


The sun was setting and Kevin and Steve were getting ready to head home with Mira, Kevin offered them an ice cream treat that they accepted they were waiting near the car for Kevin to return with the ice-creams when Mira heard a bird chirping sound she followed the sound and she finally caught the sight of a bluebird flying just in little distance suddenly It seemed to be pulsing with energy. Something seemed off and Mira felt a sense of dread. she felt a strange sensation overtake her as she looked at it. The bluebird eyes stared at her intensely, chill ran down her spine as she heard Steve curse in a serious tone. She was about to look away, but Steve held her head in place,
"Don't look away yet," Steve said firmly. Mira was too terrified to move.
Just then, the bird turned into a mist and disappeared but those black small eyes still looked into her eyes. Steve then placed his hand over Mira's eyes, blocking her view. She heard her dad's voice, laced with confusion and fear, "What is goi-?" He began to ask, but Steve quickly cut him off. "We have to go home," he said, his tone still serious.
Steve remained silent and didn't answer. All the while, he kept his hand firmly on Mira's eyes.
The ride home was silent and tense. Mira had a feeling something sinister was lurking in the shadows, waiting for them.
When they arrived home, Steve helped Mira out of the car and guided her inside. He didn't take his hand off her eyes until they were safely inside, and then he finally removed his hand from Mira's eyes.
"What is going on?" Kevin asked with seriousness.
Steve's voice was calm and serious as he replied, "They noticed her"
Steve glanced at her before continuing, "It was a creature, that not a normal person, wizard, or witch can see. I don't think Mira can see them, they normally do not come in the population area. It's strange, something is off."
Mira was filled with dread. "What do you mean? What is off?"
"It's not clear," Steve said. "But we need to be careful. We all need to be alert and not let it get too close"
"Now go and relax you both are safe with me in the house," Steve told them as he walked toward his room without looking back, Kevin looked at her daughter and asked, "Are you alright?" She nodded "Yeah"
"If you are not that's also fine you don't have to be strong always," he told her.

Tenth of August Mira woke up in the middle of the night to a strange sound coming from outside. Glancing at the window with the foggy glass, she caught sight of a dark figure outside of her window The hooded figure seemed to be shrouded in an ethereal glow, and its eyes were bright and piercing. A chill raced through Mira's body as the mysterious figure seemed to look right at her. Suddenly, with a loud thud, a flock of bluebirds came flying toward the window, screeching and flapping their wings aggressively. Mira stepped back in fear and watched as the birds grew more and more aggressive, their claws and beaks coming dangerously close to smashing the window.
Mira screamed in terror as the birds lunged forward, smashing the window into pieces. Just as she was about to be attacked, a bright light shone and the birds flew away, screeching in rage. Mira looked around to find her dad holding her tightly in his arms and Steve standing protectively in front of them, shielding them with his body. He turned around and looked at the Kevin holding her in his arms Sitting on the floor as Steve kneeled close to the Realizing that Steve had saved her with his magical powers, Mira hugged him tightly in gratitude. As they watched, the broken window repaired itself, as if it had never been smashed in the first place.
"Are you alright?" Steve asked her she nodded he glanced back at the window and noticed that the Fog again started to form on it, "Dementors" Steve told them "They shouldn't be here," Mira said in a low voice,
"They broke the window?" Kevin asked, hearing her dad Mira's question eyes turned again on Steve, he stood up from the ground "Your dad can't see them, it's just you and me" he looked at Kevin and mumbled "Sorry" with a small facial signal and Kevin immediately changed the subject
"If I am correct they attacked Harry Potter and Dudley in that month," Kevin said thoughtfully
"Maybe they already did," Steve said then he turned to look at her "Sleep, they can't enter inside"
"Are you sure?" Kevin asked him not ready to leave her daughter alone
"Trust me, I put some magic," Steve said with a smirk on his face "and my magic is strongest"
"Stronger than Dumbledore?" Mira asked him raising her eyebrows in a questioning manner She was curious when every time Steve said he was strongest.
"He is a powerful wizard, his level of magic I performed when I was kid," Steve told them.
"So you are stronger than him," Kevin asked looking at him
"Didn't I tell you already, I am not a wizard," Steve looking annoyed with that conversation "So I'm the strongest but not a wizard" he turned to exit the room "I want to sleep now" but he again came back "actually let's talk for a bit" they three settled on the bed "do you see, in this world not only wizards or witches but mages and sorcerers also exists, and all mages can saw the creature that no one able to see and some wizards also able to but sorcerers They are rarely seven or eight in this world and they can see all the things that other won't see" Steve explained to Kevin and Mira.
"Wizards, mages, and sorcerers have differences?" Mira said while thinking.
Steve smiled "Yupp,"
"So who are you?" Kevin asked him curiously looking at him, "Mee, I am not any of them You can think of me as a sorcerer but I'm not a sorcerer too".
"So they three can perform magic" Mira commented, Steve's attention again went back to her "Wizards need a wand to perform magic properly, mages also use wands to control themselves to lose control but without they are also able to perform and sorcerers they don't need a wand to do perform magic their magic power level is higher than anyone"
"Wow!" Kevin and Mira said together, Steve just smiled at the duo,
"Wait, Mira saw that weird thing outside isn't that make her different from wizards," Kevin asked looking slightly worried, "it is possible but we need confirmation, because some wizards also able to see those things," Steve told him, "so are you going to confirm?"
"I'm thinking about this," he told her "There is coming outside and mages attract them so we need to confirm that in time before things get out of hand" he looked at both of them with seriousness then got up and said "Now, goodnight to you two" and he left.
"If you feel weird come downstairs to me," Kevin said to her and walked to the door "You can scream too," he said before leaving the room. Mira last time glanced at the window and then went to sleep again She knew if Steve said that they couldn't enter the room, she is going to relax and sleep.

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