Chapter 38

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Mira stood up with fear in her eyes, "I have tried hard, crawled into mud with wand, attack with laser at the of practice but you are still not happy with me" smoking puff of smoke came out of their mouth with every breath they take. Steve frowned and looked at her with crossed arms " Yes, because I don't want you to die, and if you can't pass this level than that's exactly gonna happened one day so you should work hard to strength your abilities". He started walking in circle around her, pointing at things around her to distract her from thinking about home. Mira's mood changed from fright to anger, she run towards Steve and started casting spell of fire, Steve easily dodge it and retaliated with a spell of wind pushing Mira further away from him. Mira suppressed her tears and tried to do what he taught her, she started manipulating small objects and shooting them in Steve's direction. Steve dodged them and continued to teach her until the setting sun then he whispered in her ear "Don't let your hopes down if you try hard every day you'll soon beat me. Now go let's home and rest you need it." Mira sighed and walked toward the door that was stood middle of the woods with these words lingering in her mind.


Mira sat up in her bed, groggy and disoriented. She blinked in the darkness, Her heart raced in her chest until she realized and got confused at the same time by the sight of Dumbledore standing next to her bed. She relaxed after a closer look, and with the understanding that if he were here in the middle of the night, something was not right. She sat up, and the frail wizard said "Get ready, we are leaving," his voice stern and authoritative. Mira watched as he walked to the window, eyeing a small bottle that rested there for a moment before adding, "Gather your things, and disturb your parents as little as possible; I have left a note on the fridge - muggle style."
Mira quickly jumped out of bed and headed to her closet to begin packing. "How long are we going for?" she asked as she gathered her belongings.
"You might not be coming back" Dumbledore replied, without looking in her direction. "The Dementors are coming."
"I saw them yesterday," Mira said, shivering at the thought. Dumbledore still had his eyes fixed on the small bottle and she noticed that his expression didn't change.
Dumbledore said nothing, and Mira felt a sudden urge to make sure to know why he staring at the bottle "I bought that bottle because it looked cute," she said, her voice almost pleading that she didn't realize.
Dumbledore nodded but said nothing. Mira finished packing her things and looked up at him. "Where are we going?" she asked.
Dumbledore turned to her and took in her appearance: blue pajamas, a backpack in her hand, and a few other items.
"Somewhere interesting," he said with a small smile. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am," Mira said and extended her hand to touch his, but first he took his wand and pointed it to her staff. In the blink of an eye, her staff disappeared. She blinked her eyes a few times and said, "Good, let's get going."
After just in few seconds, they both were standing on a dark street. Buildings surrounded them and Dumbledore walked onto the pavement. Mira followed him quietly. A pungent smell of rotting rubbish came from the pile of bulging bin bags just inside the broken gate.
"Here," said Dumbledore to her and handed her a piece of paper. He held his lit wand close to it, so as to illuminate the writing. "Memorize it," he said. Mira looked at the paper and read it: The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.
"Order of the Phoenix," Mira muttered to herself, raising her eyebrows. She knew exactly where this going but still, She looked at Dumbledore. "What is this?" she asked.
"It's a secret organization that fights against the dark forces," Dumbledore told her. "We need their help if we want to defeat Voldemort. Now, you must remember this address. It's the only way we can get to them."
Mira nodded. "Yes, I understand. I won't forget it."
Dumbledore nodded back. He waved his wand and her staff reappeared in her hands. "Let's go," he said. Mira followed him, her staff in hand, as they walked away into the night.
"Memorized it," he asked her, She nodded her head in yes "Think about what you've just memorized," she thought then a battered door emerged out of nowhere between numbers eleven and thirteen, followed swiftly by dirty walls and grimy windows. It was as though an extra house had inflated, pushing those on either side out of its way "Let's get in" Dumbledore said to her.
Mira followed Dumbledore up the worn stone steps, her eyes drawn to the newly materialized door. Its black paint was shabby and scratched, and the silver door knocker was in the form of a twisted serpent, with no keyhole or letterbox. Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped the door once. Mira heard many loud, metallic clicks and what sounded like the clatter of a chain. The door creaked open.
"After you, Ms.Vain," Dumbledore said with a smile, and Mira stepped over the threshold into the almost total darkness of the hall. She could smell damp, dust, and a sweetish, rotting smell; the place had the feeling of a derelict building. The door closed behind them, plunging them into complete darkness. Mira heard a soft hissing noise, and then old-fashioned gas lamps sputtered into life all along the walls, casting flickering insubstantial light over the peeling wallpaper and threadbare carpet of a long, gloomy hallway. A cobwebby chandelier glimmered overhead and blackened portraits hung crooked on the walls.
Mira and Dumbledore walked down the hallway to a door. Dumbledore had just about touched the door handle when it clicked open, revealing a woman with short purple and pinkish hair standing in the doorway.
"Headmaster," she said, looking a little surprised to see them.
"Tonks, nice to see you," Dumbledore said, smiling.
Tonks smiled warmly as she walked into the room followed by Dumbledore and Mira.
Mira's eyes were wide and took in the sight of the room. light brown hair flecked with grey, pale face with premature lines man seated at the long dining table with a black hair and grey eyes handsome looking man Lupin and Sirius she guessed and Professor Snape was standing at the kitchen counter, a cup in one hand and still wearing his black cloak.
"How is Harry?" Dumbledore asked. "He looks fine," Tonks said, taking a seat next to Lupin. "But I don't think leaving him with the Dursleys is a good idea," Sirius added. "Letting him stay with you would be more dangerous than with them," Snape said mockingly. Sirius spun around, his face turning red as he glared at the professor. "Why don't you shut up, Snivellus?" he spat. Snape's face flushed with anger, but he tried to remain calm in front of his student. He shot a glare back at Sirius and sneered, "Then use your mind, dumb dog." Sirius was about to stand up, but Lupin stopped him. "Behave, at least in front of the young girl," he said, looking at Mira. Mira felt a little awkward under their gaze. She cleared her throat and said, "Hello." Tonks smiled at her warmly. "Hey," she said.
Dumbledore turned to Mira. "Meet Mira Vain," he said to the others. He turned to Mira again and smiled. "Meet the members of the Order of the Phoenix."
Mira looked around the room, taking in the members of the Order of the Phoenix. She was nervous to meet them She may have felt more relaxed if they looked the same as they looked in movies but she learned that no one looked the same everyone had more of their book description, Mira felt confused and overwhelmed with unfamiliar faces all around her. "I am leaving now take care of her," Dumbledore announced and turned to leave but Mira grabbed his hand and he stopped looking at her "You leaving me with them," Mira said in a very low voice so that no one could hear them, Dumbledore reassured her. He had taken her hand in his and said, "They are not bad people. Relax and rest." He had then left her there with the others.
Lupin was the first one to break the silence. 'Take a seat," he said, trying to be reassuring. Mira took a seat in front of Sirius, who gave her a curious look.
Sirius broke the silence again and asked, "How much do you know about the Order of the Phoenix?" Mira shook her head slowly, feeling embarrassed that she actually knew but still few things that she could remember now. "Not much," she replied, taking a cookie from the plate in front of her.
Snape took a seat next to her and asked, "Did Dementors glide in your area too?"
"Yes, Professor," Mira answered while eating her cookie.
"It's strange that the Dementors only glided over Potter and your area and not Diggory or Delacour, even in the graveyard you all were together," Snape said, taking a sip of his coffee.
Tonks walked over and put a hand on Mira's shoulder. "There's not much room here, so you'll have to bunk with me tonight," she said, giving her a warm smile.
Mira smiled back and nodded. "Thanks for that," she mumbled, feeling very grateful.
Lupin said. "All right everyone, let's get some rest," he said, standing up. He turned to Mira. "I think you should be able to find everything you need here. If there's anything you can't find, just ask and we'll do our best to help you out."
Mira yawned and looked at Snape. He was still sipping his coffee and looking at her intently. She felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze. "Are you going to stay here, professor?" she asked.
"No," he said, getting up from his seat. "I'm leaving. Take care of her," he said to the others, then left the room.
Mira watched him go with a feeling of unease. She turned back to the group and saw that everyone was still looking at her expectantly. She took a deep breath and told herself that she was being silly.
Lupin smiled reassuringly at her and gestured for her to follow Tonks. She did, As the door closed, she heard murmurs of conversation between Sirius and Lupin. They walked up the stairs, Tonks chatting away about the Order and her duties. As they reached the top of the stairs, Tonks opened a door.
"This is our room for the night," she said. Mira stepped inside and looked around. The room was small but cozy. She smiled to herself, feeling grateful for the Order's hospitality
Mira settled herself in the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. As exhaustion overwhelmed her,

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