chapter 17 // haven

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Sin explained the plan clearly multiple times and I took a deep mental note of it all. I would go in with Con and Sin, allowing Tan to stay back until the very end. We would all split up with Con taking the right, Sin in the middle, and me on the left. We would all meet up in the main room where the curved halls met each other.

There was only deemed to be a few of their guards which would make this a quick in and out, nothing more. I wanted nothing more than to feel my girl in my hands again, slinking around my thighs was not enough. The vibration from the gun, the slicing of the dagger, I needed it like people needed air. Con was staring out the window, Tan was loading up new coding programs, and Sin was driving with his one hand. His other rubbed all over his face.

"Wouldn't it be fair to give me a mask too, I don't want my face all over the news" I huffed.

I felt out of the group compared to them. Sin glanced back at me from the rearview mirror and shook his head, not saying a word. It was completely obvious he was not acting the same. Did he act like this for every mission they went on? It was awfully discouraging.

This was not just another mission, it was a test. A big test of trust and skill, I would not let him down. I was tired of being looked at as a petite damsel in distress that needed saving. I wanted to show them I had a complete backbone for myself that I wasn't afraid to use.

"Maybe someday," Tan said, winking, as he moved his hand to squeeze my thigh.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder, basking in his calm emotions with my whirlwind of thoughts. As my eyes glanced up to the front, I saw Con scrolling onto his phone. I jumped up and hung over the seat, getting into his personal space.

"What are you watching? Is this the kind of porn you are into?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

He was scrolling through gun purchases and the latest news on their releases. Now that is dark. They sure were pretty though, I wonder what Con's gun skills were. I knew that Con was the assassin but what did that entail? Did he like to make his victims suffer or was it a quick death? How did he deal with the crash after he killed? So many questions yet nobody to answer them.

He swooshed my head away with his hand and twisted his body away from my face. So much for that, at least it was worth a shot. I backed up again into Tan who was still clicking away at his computer. My eyes stuck onto his computer, watching closely. There were so many numbers and odd words that I couldn't keep up. His fingers were moving so fast along with his eyes darting back and forth.

Imagining Tan staring into my eyes, thrusting his fingers into me, sending the arch in my back to see God.

Oh fuck Haven, quit that shit. I needed to get in the zone of what we were about to roll up on. I knew I could handle it and I knew I was excited but would I impress Sin? What if I didn't? If I couldn't protect myself, they would know that I was useless to them.

My thoughts were interrupted by the halt of the vehicle, or should I say tank. This thing was massive with no way anything could break through it. If we were trying to be quiet, why would we take such a thing? Sin was the first to glance back after taking off his seatbelt.

"You all know what to do, stick to the plan accordingly. If something goes wrong, you press your gloves that Tan will give you. Simple." He said, staring right through me. "Don't fuck this up." as he got out of the car.

Tan turned towards me, sliding out the gloves that he specially made for me. They were jet black without the finger covers along with a built in finger print on the top. The ridges on them lead out to spikes that held the color of blue. His personal touch.

"They're super simple, you just put your finger over the button and it will immediately notify me along with tracking." He said to me, sliding them on my hands. Tan sure was great with technology, no wonder Sin couldn't function without him.

Sin cracked open my door and held out his hand, helping me out of the vehicle. I could get down myself but only sitting at five two, it would have been a bit of a struggle. I smiled up at his eyes when I hit the pavement. Sin whisked my shoulder in a slight touch while passing me to grab his gear from Tan. It sent a shiver down my spine.

It was a cold and nervous touch unlike the ones in the gym. In the gym, his touch felt confident and brave. It was much different this time and I knew he was hoping I would pass his test.

I glanced up at the building which sat low to us. It was dark and had the paint peeling from the sides. It definitely was run down and looked like it hadn't seen anybody in a long time. We were hidden away from the main street which showed the falling Casino sign.

Sin turned back, giving me one last nod, as we picked up the pace to the back door. I pressed my back up against the prickly back wall as Sin kicked in the door with a brutal force. Sin darted in quickly before he even got a chance to give us any more signals, he knew that we knew what to do. Con was the second to go in, giving me no body language either.

After the darkness overtook the shape of his body, I knew it was my turn. I took my last deep breath and hustled inside. The cool wind hit my face as I entered the dark back room, almost like all the windows were open. There was three hallways that laid in front of me with just enough window light to see. It was almost like a faint spotlight leading my way down the left hall.

I unstrapped the gun that clung to my thigh and brought it up in front of me. I moved swiftly, clicking against the tile, keeping my gun in sight. As I walked down the hall, I used the light that sat atop my glock to search each room. It was quiet, almost too quiet. I didn't hear any of Sin's shots, Con's shots or anybody near me. I only heard the dripping inside the large hallway, the small noises of rats, and my heavy breathing inside me.

My eyes caught focus in front of me where there was a sharp corner and I briefed myself for what might lie in front of me. I moved one foot in front of each other, taking each step one at a time.

A loud click rung into my ears as I swung my head around, meeting face to face with a gun on my forehead. A wicked smile crept amongst the guy's face as my eyes widened. The man was just a few inches above my height, wearing a black ski mask and a jumpsuit, nothing particular stood out. He was pretty scrawny, what an odd choice for a guard.

Hey prefrontal cortex, if you could kick in right now, it would be really nice.

As he spent his time grinning and looking up my body, I took my chance. I flung my right leg up into the gun, sending it flying across the room. Grasped the arm that held the metal weapon, rolled him over my back, and slammed him to the ground. He gasped as the wind blew out of his chest and reached up towards me as I bent back upwards.

My boots hit his raising arm, slamming it next to him, sending a scowl out of his throat. I leaned down, pulling off the black ski mask, and studied his face.

What a shame, he was cute.

I blew the tip of my gun before aiming it between his eyes. I let off a shot, the ringing screaming into my ears. I had missed that sound, it had been awhile. I must be a psychopath as this was the sound that I was yearning for. I had only shot three people in my life when I was younger before Evin took full control. The first was someone who came in and tried to touch Ezra.

I was merely eight years old when I shuffled through my dresser drawers to find the hidden glock. My hands trembled as I took that shot, barely hitting him, and letting myself sob into the ground. The other two hadn't been much more different, just not as worthy of telling about.

I sighed as I dusted off my pants, stepping right over the dead body. I kicked his gun into one of the empty rooms and began heading towards the end.

This was extremely lame, I don't know if I got the worst hallway or what, but there was nobody here. How could I be tested if only one measly man was in my way? I wasn't sure how long the hallway went due to just glancing at the map. I wasn't great with organization, I just went as I pleased.

"Let's just get this shit over with" I muttered to myself. 

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