chapter 63 // sin

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"So you just expect me to sit here and down some pizza while ignoring the fact that Con just woke up?" Haven huffed, shoving her plate away from her.

I watched as Tan opened his mouth to speak but closed it sharply. The truth was, nobody knew what to say. I knew that Tan and I had been lost in a daydream while Con was gone, we didn't know how to handle his coma. But, now that he was back, I wanted to just move on. We didn't throw, "Congrats! You're not dead!" parties. We'd have one every week if that were the case. 

"Especially you! You aren't even going to explain what happened?" Haven scoffed, pointing her knife at Con. 

My eyes turned towards Con who refused to look up, his dark eye bags covered his face and his head hanging low. He was exhausted, we all could see that. 

"I can't continue doing this no communication shit. We can't just move on, we need to sit and talk about this!" she exclaimed, running her hands through her hair. 

"Were men Haven, we don't just talk about our feelings, that's a women thing." Tan replied.

"Clearly! God, I need some women in my life." Haven yelled before slamming herself back down into the chair. She kicked her legs up on the kitchen table, crossing them over one another. 

"Speaking about that." I began before getting cut off. 

"Oh no. No, no, no. We are not changing subject about my unit until you gain some communication skills about what's happening currently." She interrupted.

"Con, you good?" Tan questioned.

"Yes, just exhausted. Good to be home." Con grunted. 

"Done." Tan sternly said, staring right at Haven. 

Haven's mouth hung open. I don't think I had ever seen Tan get stern with Haven, it was kind of amusing. I slightly chuckled which made Haven whip her head towards me. I could've sworn I saw steam coming out of her nose as she crossed her arms over each other. This girl sure knows how to throw a fit. 

"You guys are idiots, all of you!" she grumbled. 

"Jokes aside, I am serious Haven. We have a few last decisions about your unit that you have to make or the deal is off." I responded sharply. 

"Oh no, you can't even threaten me like that. I'll slit your throat and escape if you take this away from me, that was the deal." Haven snarled.

Con let out a slight chuckle as he bit into his next piece of steak. I rolled my eyes at him before glancing back at Haven. Of course, I had to be the business man that seemed like the bad guy. Thankfully, I knew how to set personal relationships and my job apart. 

"We have your unit's selections, outfits, and location. I need written plans of lessons you plan on teaching and weapons you will be using." I sternly laid out.

"So, you want me to create a fucking class syllabus for a mafia group?" Haven snorted. 

I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back slowly in my chair, tapping my finger lightly on my chin. I didn't understand women, I was never around them. Do I let her continue throwing around the attitude or do I remind her who is the dominant around here? I let out a sigh as I squinted my eyes while she continued her disgusted look towards me. 

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