chapter 37 // haven

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"So, how about a question for a question, hm?" Ryker said, biting into a piece of steak.

I looked down at my plate of food that I had arranged on my plate. I had a filet mignon, a few asparagus pieces, and a bread roll. It wasn't as flavorful as Sin's cooking but it would do. I glanced back up at Ryker and nodded, allowing him to begin with the first question.

I remembered what Sin said. You always pick dare, you don't ever speak the truth to your enemies. I would have to give Ryker just enough to keep him at bay but not enough to act upon. Not knowing Ryker's experience, I would have to make sure the lies were undetectable. I could do this. All I did was lie to men before I met the boys, it was my job.

"How did you end up in the Metric House? Evin surely didn't sell you off to them, did he?" He questioned.

I took a sip of the water that sat next to my plate before answering.

"They kidnapped me after one of my shifts at the bar. Evin had no idea, they needed Evin to answer to them, and I was the only way." I responded.

I wiped my mouth dry before asking my own question. I had to be smart about these too. I had to get enough out of him to report back to Sin but not enough where it would raise suspicions.

"Why are all of your questions always about them? It truly is exhausting talking about my kidnappers all the time." I asked, throwing in a fake chuckle.

"I suppose the fascination of their power. Once you get a taste of it, it is all you crave. They hold much of it that I could use to my advantage." He hummed, taking another bite.

"Too much if i'll say," I chuckle.

Ryker joins me before asking his question, "Did you know who I was when you walked through that door?"

I gulped down the piece of asparagus that I was chewing on. I'm sure he recognized my expression when he said his name but I couldn't let him know that Sin knew who he was.

"Yes. Evin told me before we left the house, he claimed that you were his most important client. I was shocked when I was saw you, you are so young." I replied, saving my ass.

He nodded a few times, setting down his utensils and crossed his arms. He leant back in his seat and fully focused on me.

"What exactly do you do to afford all these things? Not even Metric has this amount of luxury." I questioned.

His grin widened as he opened his mouth, "Business. I supply, assist, and lead multiple organizations. Three in total currently, soon to be four."

Soon to be four, he had to be talking about when he takes down Metric. I needed a timeframe, I really needed it.

"What do you like to do in your free time Haven? Im sure it's not all of this, since it's for men and all." he chuckled as he swished the wine in his glass around.

The heat in my veins started to boil. Of course he thought women couldn't handle things like this, he was turning out to be just like Evin. Rich, powerful, and nasty. Three of the traits that didn't sit within Con, Sin, and Tan.

I sarcastically chuckled back before replying, "I like to read. A lot."

Thank you for that one, Tan.

"Ah, a bookworm. You must be smart, I will remember that. I could make you do my paperwork for me while you spread those pretty legs on my desk." he said in between his smile.

I could vomit.

"Will you be making another grand purchase to flaunt around after you take on this next business? I'm sure that will be another stream of income for you." I asked.

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